Information relating to consultations held for Plan Selby.
Engagement with local communities, businesses, our duty-to-cooperate partners and other interested parties is ongoing.
Previous consultations
Additional sites consultation 8 March - 19 April 2018
The additional sites consultation ran between 8 March and 19 April 2018 and included the main consultation document and associated appendices with maps and initial assessments of all the extra sites that were submitted in response to the pool of sites consultation. It shared current thinking about potential sites and asked for your views on them.
What was the purpose of this stage?
In order to ensure these sites were subject to the same level of scrutiny, we asked for your views on whether you thought these new and amended sites were suitable for development.
We did not seek comments on those sites which were included as part of the pool of sites consultation only the additional or amended sites. Neither did we ask for any more new sites.
The documents published as part of the additional sites are available to view below:
- site allocations local plan - additional sites consultation (pdf / 792 KB)
- appendix 1 - settlement Summary Tables (pdf / 200 KB)
- appendix 2 - settlement maps (pdf / 6 MB)
The pool of sites consultation: 2 October – 27 November 2017
The pool of sites consultation ran between 2 October and 27 November 2017 and included plans and initial assessments of all possible sites that could be included in the site allocations local plan.
What was the purpose of this stage?
The pool of sites consultation shared the current thinking about potential sites and asked for your views on them. It was also a last opportunity to suggest new sites.
The purpose of this stage was to:
- share with you where we are up to with the work we have been doing since the previous consultations
- seek your views on possible development sites and the method we have used to narrow down sites to those we think could be suitable for development
- give a final opportunity to put forward new sites and
- seek your opinions on the emerging allocation approach and how we need to tackle some key issues in the site allocations local plan
The documents published as part of the pool of sites consultation are available to view below:
- site allocations local plan – the pool of sites consultation (pdf / 1 MB)
- appendix 1 – settlement summary tables (pdf / 1 MB)
- appendix 2 – settlement maps contents (pdf / 375 KB), pages 1 - 40 (pdf / 24 MB) and pages 41 - 78 (pdf / 18 MB)
There is a typo in paragraph 2.3 of the pool of sites consultation document which refers to the need for 466 new homes per year in the Selby district. This should have stated 431 new homes per year, which was the figure established in the draft SHMA dated June 2015.
We have also produced a list of frequently asked questions (pdf / 42 KB).
Focused engagement - ‘Let’s Talk Plan Selby’ - 29 June 2015 – 10 August 2015
The focused engagement consultation ran between 29 June and 10 August 2015. We discussed various matters with local community representatives and businesses, other stakeholders, and neighbouring authorities at venues across the district. We also invited all interested parties to use the internet to discuss and comment on various pieces of work we are undertaking to support Plan Selby.
What was the purpose of this stage?
The focused engagement consultation undertaken followed the 2000+ representations received during the initial consultation and aims to allow us to:
- understand these comments in more detail
- talk about issues and options arising and
- seek your views on a number of draft studies before they are finalised
We invited comments on various questions relating to the emerging evidence base. Your responses are available to view below:
Focused engagement Plan Selby responses
Initial consultation - delivering the vision - 24 November 2014 – 19 January 2015
The initial consultation ran between 24 November 2014 and 19 January 2015. Over 2000 representations were received during the initial consultation.
What was the purpose of this stage?
The initial consultation is the first stage of our ongoing dialogue with you about how we can best develop the Selby district and deliver quality homes, jobs and services in the future.
The documents published as part of the Initial Consultation are available to view below:
- formal press notice (pdf / 12 KB)
- Plan Selby - the sites and policies plan initial consultation (pdf / 3 MB) full document and appendix 2 (pdf / 26 MB)
Please view the Plan Selby evidence base page for documents produced during the initial consultation.
Other associated documents were also made available:
Initial consultation response
Thank you for your views about what Plan Selby should look like. We received over 2000 individual representations during the initial consultation. Your views and our initial responses to them are set out in the following documents: