A to Z of services

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Title Sort descending
Call for sites for the North Yorkshire Local Plan
Can I foster?
Capital grants for early trading small businesses and enterprises
Capital grants for small businesses and enterprises
Car chemicals
Car park directory
Car parts
Caravan site and campsite licences
Care at home
Care services directory
Careers in legal and democratic services
Careers in technology
Carer assessment
Carer support groups and organisations
Carer's emergency card
Cargo at Whitby Harbour
Carpet or rugs
Carrier bags
Catterick Bridge household waste recycling centre
Catterick community library
Catterick Garrison town centre
Catterick Garrison town centre designs
CCTV in public spaces in North Yorkshire
Cemeteries in the Craven area
Cemeteries in the Harrogate area
Cemeteries in the Richmondshire area
Cemeteries in the Scarborough area
Certificates - birth, death, marriage and civil partnership
Chairs and vice-chairs of the council
Changes to motorhome parking (Experimental Traffic Regulation Order) consultation
Changing or correcting a birth record
Changing Places
Changing schools
Chargeable domestic collections in the Scarborough area
Charity collection licences
Charter Trustees
Check what benefits you might be entitled to
Check your bin box or recycling collection day
Check your bin or recycling collection day
Check your job application progress
Child employment licences
Child exploitation
Children and families
Children and families service - career opportunities
Children and families social worker opportunities in North Yorkshire
Children and family care
Children and family hubs
Children and family hubs volunteering
Children and young people's mental health
Children's leisure parties
Children's resource centre opportunities
Children’s Assistive Technology Service
Chimney height approval
Choices4Energy oil cooperative terms and conditions for Scarborough and Ryedale area residents
Choosing childcare
Christmas trees
Citizenship ceremonies
Client money protection schemes in the Craven area
Climate change
Climate change and local action
Climate change strategy 2023 to 2030
Clinical waste
Co-lab - Harrogate
Coach parking
Coffee pods
Cognition and learning within SEND
Colburn community library
Collective energy switching in the North Yorkshire Council area
Commercial property in Richmondshire
Commercial services and venues
Commercial waste
Commercial waste disposal and charges
Commercial waste in the Craven area
Commercial waste in the Harrogate area
Commercial waste in the Ryedale area
Commercial waste in the Scarborough, Richmondshire and Hambleton areas
Commercial waste in the Selby area
Commercial waste services
Committee membership
Common land and village green registers
Common land and village greens
Common land applications and decision notices
Communication and interaction needs within SEND
Community Anchor Collectives funding opportunity
Community and day centres
Community and volunteering
Community and volunteering roles
Community Asset Transfers in Scarborough
Community awards
Community based support
Community based support approved providers list
Community centres
Community Climate Action Programme - Grants
Community Climate Action Programme - Support
Community directory - North Yorkshire Connect
Community Governance Reviews
Community grants
Community grants programme
Community gritting partnerships
Community litter pick
Community projects
Community Right to Build
Community Right to Challenge
Community Rights
Community risks - wildfire
Community Safety
Community Safety Hubs
Community supervision
Community transport
Community-led housing in the Craven area
Community-led housing in the Scarborough area
Complain about a taxi or private hire vehicle
Complain to a school about SEND
Complain to the Department for Education about a SEND issue
Complain to the Information Commissioner
Complain to the local authority about SEND
Complain to the Local Government Ombudsman about SEND
Complaints, comments or compliments
Computers and online support at your library
Concessionary rates for Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub
Concessionary rates for Tadcaster Leisure and Wellbeing Hub
Concessionary rates in the Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon area
Conference, hall and library meeting room hire
Conservation areas and listed buildings
Consolidated planning policy framework and schedule of evidence
Consultations and engagement
Consumer advice
Consumer rights - advice and guidance
Contact the Evolution Business Centre
Contact the SEND team
Contact the Springboard Business Centre
Contact the youth justice service
Contact Trading Standards
Contact us
Contacting your library and using its services
Contaminated land
Contaminated land strategy
Contracting for adult social care and health services
Conyngham Hall - Knaresborough
Cooking oil
Core offer to care leavers
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information and advice
Coroners and sudden death investigations
Cost of living support
Council and social housing in the Ryedale area
Council constitution
Council forward plan
Council garages in the Selby area
Council housing in the Hambleton area
Council housing stock in the Richmondshire area
Council meeting minutes, agendas and reports
Council minutes, agendas and reports
Council plan
Council plan, constitution and strategies
Council tax
Council tax advice and support
Council tax appeals
Council Tax discounts
Council tax exemptions
Council tax fraud
Council tax premiums - long term empty properties and second homes
Council tax reduction scheme
Council tax scams
Councillor allowances
Councillor locality budgets
Councillors information
Councillors' code of conduct
Councillors, committees and meetings
Countryside volunteers
County record office
County record office volunteering
Courses and training for employers
Crematoria and cemeteries
Crockery and cutlery
Croft Circuit
Crosshills - South Craven community library
Current consultations
Currently Electively Home Educating but considering your child attending school
Customer services and revenues opportunities
Cycle lanes and routes