Call for sites for the North Yorkshire Local Plan |
Can I foster? |
Cans |
Capital grants for early trading small businesses and enterprises |
Capital grants for small businesses and enterprises |
Car chemicals |
Car park directory |
Car parts |
Caravan site and campsite licences |
Cardboard |
Care at home |
Care services directory |
Careers in legal and democratic services |
Careers in technology |
Carer assessment |
Carer support groups and organisations |
Carer's emergency card |
Carers |
Cargo at Whitby Harbour |
Carpet or rugs |
Carrier bags |
Cartons |
Catterick Bridge household waste recycling centre |
Catterick community library |
Catterick Garrison town centre |
Catterick Garrison town centre designs |
CCTV in public spaces in North Yorkshire |
Cemeteries in the Craven area |
Cemeteries in the Harrogate area |
Cemeteries in the Richmondshire area |
Cemeteries in the Scarborough area |
Ceremonies |
Ceremonies |
Certificates - birth, death, marriage and civil partnership |
Chairs and vice-chairs of the council |
Changes to motorhome parking (Experimental Traffic Regulation Order) consultation |
Changing or correcting a birth record |
Changing Places |
Changing schools |
Chargeable domestic collections in the Scarborough area |
Charity collection licences |
Charter Trustees |
Check what benefits you might be entitled to |
Check your bin box or recycling collection day |
Check your bin or recycling collection day |
Check your job application progress |
Chemicals |
Child employment licences |
Child exploitation |
Children and families |
Children and families service - career opportunities |
Children and families social worker opportunities in North Yorkshire |
Children and family care |
Children and family hubs |
Children and family hubs volunteering |
Children and young people's mental health |
Children's leisure parties |
Children's resource centre opportunities |
Children’s Assistive Technology Service |
Chimney height approval |
Choices4Energy |
Choices4Energy oil cooperative terms and conditions for Scarborough and Ryedale area residents |
Choosing childcare |
Christmas trees |
Citizenship ceremonies |
Client money protection schemes in the Craven area |
Climate change |
Climate change and local action |
Climate change strategy 2023 to 2030 |
Clinical waste |
Co-lab - Harrogate |
Coach parking |
Coffee pods |
Cognition and learning within SEND |
Colburn community library |
Collective energy switching in the North Yorkshire Council area |
Commercial property in Richmondshire |
Commercial services and venues |
Commercial waste |
Commercial waste disposal and charges |
Commercial waste in the Craven area |
Commercial waste in the Harrogate area |
Commercial waste in the Ryedale area |
Commercial waste in the Scarborough, Richmondshire and Hambleton areas |
Commercial waste in the Selby area |
Commercial waste services |
Committee membership |
Common land and village green registers |
Common land and village greens |
Common land applications and decision notices |
Communication and interaction needs within SEND |
Community Anchor Collectives funding opportunity |
Community and day centres |
Community and volunteering |
Community and volunteering roles |
Community Asset Transfers in Scarborough |
Community awards |
Community based support |
Community based support approved providers list |
Community centres |
Community Climate Action Programme - Grants |
Community Climate Action Programme - Support |
Community directory - North Yorkshire Connect |
Community Governance Reviews |
Community grants |
Community grants programme |
Community gritting partnerships |
Community litter pick |
Community projects |
Community Right to Build |
Community Right to Challenge |
Community Rights |
Community risks - wildfire |
Community Safety |
Community Safety Hubs |
Community supervision |
Community transport |
Community-led housing in the Craven area |
Community-led housing in the Scarborough area |
Complain about a taxi or private hire vehicle |
Complain to a school about SEND |
Complain to the Department for Education about a SEND issue |
Complain to the Information Commissioner |
Complain to the local authority about SEND |
Complain to the Local Government Ombudsman about SEND |
Complaints, comments or compliments |
Composting |
Computers and online support at your library |
Concessionary rates for Selby Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Concessionary rates for Tadcaster Leisure and Wellbeing Hub |
Concessionary rates in the Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon area |
Conference, hall and library meeting room hire |
Conservation |
Conservation areas and listed buildings |
Consolidated planning policy framework and schedule of evidence |
Consultations and engagement |
Consumer advice |
Consumer rights - advice and guidance |
Contact the Evolution Business Centre |
Contact the SEND team |
Contact the Springboard Business Centre |
Contact the youth justice service |
Contact Trading Standards |
Contact us |
Contacting your library and using its services |
Contaminated land |
Contaminated land strategy |
Contracting for adult social care and health services |
Conyngham Hall - Knaresborough |
Cookers |
Cookies |
Cooking oil |
Core offer to care leavers |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information and advice |
Coroners and sudden death investigations |
Cost of living support |
Council and social housing in the Ryedale area |
Council constitution |
Council forward plan |
Council garages in the Selby area |
Council housing in the Hambleton area |
Council housing stock in the Richmondshire area |
Council meeting minutes, agendas and reports |
Council minutes, agendas and reports |
Council plan |
Council plan, constitution and strategies |
Council tax |
Council tax advice and support |
Council tax appeals |
Council Tax discounts |
Council tax exemptions |
Council tax fraud |
Council tax premiums - long term empty properties and second homes |
Council tax reduction scheme |
Council tax scams |
Councillor allowances |
Councillor locality budgets |
Councillors information |
Councillors' code of conduct |
Councillors, committees and meetings |
Countryside volunteers |
County record office |
County record office volunteering |
Courses and training for employers |
Court |
Crematoria and cemeteries |
Crockery and cutlery |
Croft Circuit |
Crosshills - South Craven community library |
Current consultations |
Currently Electively Home Educating but considering your child attending school |
Custody |
Customer services and revenues opportunities |
Cycle lanes and routes |