Benefits Find information about benefits and check what you might be entitled to. Local assistance fund The local assistance fund helps people struggling with living costs and provides emergency financial support. Pension Credit and Winter Fuel Payments Find information about Pension Credit and details on how to claim. Help and support with food Information about food banks, community fridge schemes, free school meals and healthy start. Money and debt advice Information about national and local support to help you manage your money and debt. Energy Information about energy efficiency advice and local schemes offering support. Housing and homelessness Find out about housing and homelessness. Help and support for children and families Information about support for families with children, including free school meals and paying for childcare. Keep well and warm this winter Support to help stay safe, warm and well, as well as accessing financial support during the colder winter months. Free adult learning courses Information about free adult learning courses in North Yorkshire. Staying connected Information about free public Wi-Fi, reduced broadband bills and free devices. Community based support Information about community based support including Warm Welcome Spaces.
Local assistance fund The local assistance fund helps people struggling with living costs and provides emergency financial support.
Pension Credit and Winter Fuel Payments Find information about Pension Credit and details on how to claim.
Help and support with food Information about food banks, community fridge schemes, free school meals and healthy start.
Money and debt advice Information about national and local support to help you manage your money and debt.
Help and support for children and families Information about support for families with children, including free school meals and paying for childcare.
Keep well and warm this winter Support to help stay safe, warm and well, as well as accessing financial support during the colder winter months.