Services List Community Rights Advice and information for communities about their rights and powers under the Localism act. Volunteering There are volunteer opportunities across our services. Join in and get involved in your community, gain experience and make friends. Councillor locality budgets Each councillor has a budget to allow them to respond to local needs by recommending funding to support specific activities. Team North Yorkshire Our Team North Yorkshire campaign celebrates the difference that volunteers make in their communities. Armed Forces Covenant The armed forces have been rooted in North Yorkshire for more than 100 years and the county is proud of its military and community connections. Community projects Find out about community, technology, charity and regeneration projects taking place across North Yorkshire. Grants and Funding Find information on the grants and funding opportunities available in North Yorkshire. Community directory - North Yorkshire Connect North Yorkshire Connect is our community directory for North Yorkshire. Local information, advice, support, activities and things to do. Community awards The 2024 North Yorkshire Community Awards scheme is now closed. Community Safety Report anti-social behaviour, crime, neighbourhood nuisances and find out about support. Voluntary organisations Information about the voluntary organisations that provide a broad range of local services to all kinds of people across North Yorkshire. Community litter pick We can help community groups across North Yorkshire with voluntary clean-ups by providing equipment and advice. Community centres Find out about community centres, wellness and wellbeing hubs we run across North Yorkshire. Stronger communities programme The stronger communities programme supports communities to play a greater role in the delivery of services in the county. Report graffiti and fly-posting Tell us about graffiti and fly-posting in your local area. Safe Places A safe place is where anyone who might need a little more help and support when they are out and about in the community can call in to get assistance.
Community Rights Advice and information for communities about their rights and powers under the Localism act.
Volunteering There are volunteer opportunities across our services. Join in and get involved in your community, gain experience and make friends.
Councillor locality budgets Each councillor has a budget to allow them to respond to local needs by recommending funding to support specific activities.
Team North Yorkshire Our Team North Yorkshire campaign celebrates the difference that volunteers make in their communities.
Armed Forces Covenant The armed forces have been rooted in North Yorkshire for more than 100 years and the county is proud of its military and community connections.
Community projects Find out about community, technology, charity and regeneration projects taking place across North Yorkshire.
Grants and Funding Find information on the grants and funding opportunities available in North Yorkshire.
Community directory - North Yorkshire Connect North Yorkshire Connect is our community directory for North Yorkshire. Local information, advice, support, activities and things to do.
Community Safety Report anti-social behaviour, crime, neighbourhood nuisances and find out about support.
Voluntary organisations Information about the voluntary organisations that provide a broad range of local services to all kinds of people across North Yorkshire.
Community litter pick We can help community groups across North Yorkshire with voluntary clean-ups by providing equipment and advice.
Community centres Find out about community centres, wellness and wellbeing hubs we run across North Yorkshire.
Stronger communities programme The stronger communities programme supports communities to play a greater role in the delivery of services in the county.
Safe Places A safe place is where anyone who might need a little more help and support when they are out and about in the community can call in to get assistance.