Community awards

The 2024 North Yorkshire Community Awards scheme is open. Find out how to nominate community groups, projects and individual volunteers in your area.

Community organisations and individual volunteers make a huge contribution to lives across North Yorkshire, helping us deliver critical services and providing social networks to reduce isolation and help people live independently for longer.

They help to deliver a wide range of critical services, from organising luncheon clubs and helping in schools, running cultural and social events, walking dogs and going shopping for elderly neighbours, helping out at cub scout and brownie guide groups, managing animal shelters and community libraries, and so much more.

Community awards 2024

The 2024 awards are now open for nominations. Nominations have been extended and will close on 21 July 2024.

The winner of each category will be awarded £1,000 for the relevant project, group or nominated relevant local charity in the case of the volunteer awards. Two runners-up in each category will receive £250.

Details on how to nominate can be found in the nominations section below.

Nomination categories

There are three categories for the 2024 North Yorkshire Community Awards:

Best community group

Awarded to groups carrying out ongoing voluntary activities in North Yorkshire.

Best community project

Awarded to community groups who have delivered projects using local community assets to support their community and improve the local area. For example, holding arts festivals, developing a community garden.

Lifetime achievement in volunteering

Awarded to individual volunteers who been volunteering for 20 years or more to the benefit of the community.

Eligibility requirements

The criteria for the community awards scheme are:

  • projects or activities that have taken place or been completed between 1 May 2023 to 30 April 2024
  • nominations in all categories must have had a positive impact on people living in the North Yorkshire Council area
  • nominated community groups must be constituted, not for profit and operate in the North Yorkshire Council area
  • community groups may be a branch of, or affiliated to, a larger regional or national organisation, as long as the volunteers started and developed the initiative for the activity locally, and the group’s achievements go beyond what is expected of similar groups in the wider organisation’s network
  • nominated individuals must currently volunteer in the North Yorkshire Council area
  • self-nominations will be accepted

Winners and runners-up may not be considered for award in the same category in the following three years.

Eligibility requirements

All nominations are judged on how the individual, organisation or project has:

  • tackled issues that affect people living in North Yorkshire
  • made a difference to their community
  • helped get people involved and inspired others

View the terms and conditions for the community awards here

Make a nomination

Best community group nomination form

Best community project nomination form

Lifetime achievement in volunteering nomination form

If you have any queries, please email