Community grants programme

Application deadline

This programme will close to applications on 15 July.

Programme aims

The community grants programme is for local grass roots activities, community engagement projects, training or projects, linked to one of the following priorities:

  • increased community action, engagement, and participation
  • increased community resilience
  • increased opportunities for volunteering
  • financial inclusion
  • improved access to facilities and services, particularly in rural communities
  • development of local action plans, and local networks and partnerships

Projects should aim to achieve a quantity of outputs and outcomes that is proportionate to the amount of funding being requested.

Applications to this programme should show how projects will achieve at least one, or a combination, of:

  • Increased new volunteering opportunities created as a result of the grant
  • Increased new events or activities delivered
  • increased users of facilities/amenities (number of new unique users) 
  • improved engagement numbers - this could include any or all of the following:
    • number of new people you have engaged with 
    • number of new people supported by the funded project
    • number of new people actively involved in community action

Within your application, question 2.3 impact, you should include clearly which outputs and outcomes your project will achieve as well as quantifying the expected outcomes and outputs. For example:

  • “number of local events or activities supported - The funding will allow us to hold 3 new additional breakfast club events.”

Applications should demonstrate clearly why the project requires UK shared prosperity fund community grant support, and at the level requested.

Who can apply?

The fund is open to not-for-profit organisations including charities, unincorporated voluntary and community groups, faith groups and social enterprises.

Who can’t apply?

Applications from businesses and individuals are not eligible for this fund.

What we will fund

Revenue funding is available for applications that meet the priorities of the UKSPF Community Grants Programme. This can include, but is not limited to:

  • cost associated with running the particular event/project that is being applied for
  • reasonable administrative costs, providing that the project can demonstrate value for money
  • volunteer expenses
  • essential travel costs
  • materials and small items of capital equipment
  • promotion and marketing
  • venue hire

What we won't fund

Organisations who have already successfully applied for this fund, cannot reapply for funding until six months after completion of their previous award.

Ineligible expenditure includes:

  • ongoing salary or overheads costs that are not new activity linked to the project being applied for
  • capital works to buildings
  • large scale capital equipment

How much is the grant?

Organisations can apply for grants between £2,000 and £20,000. Match funding is not an essential requirement for this programme. However, it will be looked upon favourably and can be in the form of ‘cash’ or ‘in kind’ contributions.

How do I apply? When’s the closing date?

To apply, please fill in the North Yorkshire UKSPF Application Form (under £25,000):

 Download a UKSPF application form under £25,000 as Microsoft Word (docx / 121 KB)

 Download a UKSPF application form under £25,000 as PDF (pdf / 363 KB)

Please ensure you have read the guidance available on this page before applying. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant and won't be processed until complete. Once complete, please email the form to

This programme will close on 15 July, with a final panel being held at the start of August 2024.

What happens after I apply?

Applications will be screened to check if they meet the ‘who can apply’ and ‘what we will fund’ criteria. If further information is then required, you will be contacted by an appraisal officer or the UKSPF team, who may request information in more detail.

When will I find out if I’ve been successful?

Monthly decision panels will be held from April to September 2024. We will aim to process your application to ensure it is at the next panel, but that will depend on your application being full complete and compliant with the specification. We aim to notify you if your application has been successful or not within approximately 3 months of submitting an application.

What happens after my application is approved?

You will be sent a funding agreement to sign. Once you have signed this, we will then pay you the funds up front. From here you are welcome to begin your project.

What happens after I receive my grant?

All successful grant applicants are expected to take part in project evaluation activities. This will involve completing a quarterly monitoring form detailing the outputs/outcomes you have achieved so far, a few short sentences on the progress and then informing us of the spend you have made. At the end of the project, you will be asked to fill in an evaluation form.