Community Climate Action Programme - Grants

Programme Aims

Voluntary and community organisations play a major role in North Yorkshire’s social and economic makeup. Their engagement, and the engagement of the communities they work with, is key in helping the council meet its commitment to Net Zero.

The aim of this fund is to provide revenue and capital grants for the development and delivery of community-led climate action projects. Funding for community buildings and the wider community is also available if the projects relate to the implementation of measures for saving energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, climate adaptation etc (as identified through participation in the Community Climate Action Support Programme for example).

Please note this programme is now being jointly funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund and the Devolution Deal initiatives. For customer ease, SPF forms will continue to be used for all applications. Successful applicants will be advised if their grant is being funded by SPF or the Devolution Deal and this will also be shown on the grant funding agreement they receive.

Who can apply?

Voluntary or community organisations (with less than 250 staff) based in and operating in North Yorkshire including:

  • registered charities
  • charitable incorporated organisations
  • community interest companies
  • community benefit societies
  • not-for-profit companies limited by guarantee
  • parish and town councils

Who can’t apply?

  • tenants with less than five years unexpired tenancy in the project property 
  • applicants who have already received a grant under this programme cannot reapply for more funding until six months after completion of their first award

What we will fund

Grants will be available for activity in the following areas:

  • energy efficiency, low carbon heating
  • renewable energy generation, storage options and grid capacity
  • decarbonising transport
  • circular economy opportunities - making the most of our resources, buildings and people, and minimising waste
  • climate resilience and adaption
  • supporting nature to thrive - where this has a greenhouse gas reduction or adaptation impact

Please note:

  • property-based projects should take a 'fabric first' approach to improving energy efficiency before considering new heating and renewable energy installations.

What we won’t fund

  • recoverable VAT
  • buildings not available for use by the whole community, for example political club buildings, religious buildings

How much is the grant?

Organisations can apply for one grant of between £1,000 and £49,950. 20% match funding is a requirement of this programme. This means organisations have to fund 20% of the total project cost themselves. This match can be provided ‘in kind’ where necessary, for example, via volunteer time.

How do I apply?

Please complete a pre-application form and email it to

 Download a UKSPF pre-application form as Microsoft Word (docx / 172 KB)

 Download a UKSPF pre-application form as PDF (pdf / 233 KB)

A due diligence check will be carried out on your pre-application to ensure your organisation, project and grant request meet the basic programme criteria. Applicants who pass the due diligence check will be invited to make a full application. At this point, depending on the type of project you are applying for, you will also need to provide:

  • three quotes are required for capital building projects, and two quotes are required for revenue projects or capital projects that do not relate to buildings
  • a copy of your constitution and accounts for the last two years, if not registered with Companies House or the Charity Commission
  • evidence that planning permission (where required) is in place or has been applied for
  • evidence of landlord’s permission (where appropriate)

Grant applicants who have already received an audit under the Community Climate Action Support Programme can move straight to making a full application.

 Download a UKSPF application form under £25,000 as Microsoft Word (docx / 121 KB)

 Download a UKSPF application form under £25,000 as PDF (pdf / 363 KB)

 Download a UKSPF application form over £25,000 as Microsoft Word (docx / 126 KB)

 Download a UKSPF application form over £25,000 as PDF (pdf / 320 KB)

When is the closing date?

There is no set closing date. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the grant budget has been fully allocated. £144,225 of the initial budget remains to be allocated following the programme’s successful launch in September 2023. A further £500,000 has now been allocated to this programme from York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Devolution Deal Net Zero Fund.

Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

What happens after I apply?

A contact officer will be assigned to your application to check we have all the information we need. They’ll get in touch with you if there’s anything that needs to be clarified. Your application will then be appraised and taken to an independent decision panel that will consider:

  • the project’s alignment with the aim of the programme and a review of the expected outcomes relating to greenhouse gas reduction and adaptation
  • the likelihood of your project being delivered before the end of February 2025, taking into account various risk factors such as quality of governance, planning permission, suppliers, availability of match funding 
  • the requirement for grant support for the project/whether the project could proceed without the grant - this is particularly related to the ‘return on investment’ if energy efficiency or renewable energy technology is deployed

When will I find out if I have been successful?

Independent decision panels are held on an approximately monthly basis. Your contact officer will let you know which panel your application will be reviewed at. You will be notified within a few days of the panel whether you have been successful or not and, if approved, whether there are any specific terms and conditions associated with the grant.

What happens after my application is approved?

You will be sent a funding agreement to sign. Once you have signed this, we will pay you the grant and you can start your project.

What happens after I receive my grant?

All successful grant applicants are expected to take part in project evaluation activities. This normally involves completing a short form 6-12 months after you complete the project, telling us about the impact the grant has had on your organisation or community.