Council plan

The council plan 2024-2028 sets out the council’s vision, ambitions and priorities for the next four years, as well as the approach we will take to achieve them.

The plan addresses the exciting opportunity the creation of NYC gives us to transform services, drive innovation and improve outcomes, but also the many significant challenges ahead including the impact of inflation, increased demand for our services, climate change, and the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on our communities.

Here is a brief summary of what the plan entails:

Our vision: We want to build on North Yorkshire’s natural capital, strong local economy and resilient communities, to improve the way local services are delivered and support a good quality of life for all.

The plan is based around five key themes (each theme has a number of ambitions and priorities):

  • place and environment
  • economy
  • health and wellbeing
  • people
  • organisation

Locality working is another key element to the council plan, with the plan outlining our four pillars of locality working:

  • local services and access
  • local accountability
  • local action
  • local empowerment

The plan also details where our funding comes from and what it is spent on.

View the council plan

You can  view the latest version of the council plan (pdf / 6 MB). You can also  view the easy read of the council plan (docx / 14 MB). We update the plan each year.

We are also required to give 28 days notice of key decisions due to be taken. We therefore publish a forward plan of key decisions at least once a month.

In addition to the council plan, we also publish detailed strategies, plans and policies.

Executive performance reports

The quarterly performance report demonstrates how we are performing across a wide range of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). In addition, it provides a commentary on the day-to-day activities of the council, such as education, social care, housing, waste collection and highways. This balanced view of performance helps us to prioritise areas that may need more attention and highlights where we are doing well.

The report is reviewed every quarter by the Scrutiny Board and the Council Executive, as well as various officer meetings.

The report and appendix are aligned with the five council ambitions of place and environment, economy, health and wellbeing, people and organisation.

2024 to 2025

2023 to 2024