Contact our licensing team to make a complaint about a North Yorkshire taxi or private hire vehicle or driver:
- contact us online about a taxi or private hire vehicle
- telephone: 0300 131 2 131 and ask to speak to your area's local taxi office
If possible please provide a description of the driver (and badge number if possible), and as much information as possible about the vehicle, such as:
- licence plate number and colour (taxi plates are white, private hire are blue)
- registration number
- make, model and colour
We'll acknowledge your complaint or request further information within 5 to 10 working days.
Complaints about 'out of area' licensed vehicles
You can also report complaints about 'out of area' licensed vehicles operating in North Yorkshire, but we recommend sending your complaint to their home licensing authority as well.
Depending on the nature of the complaint, we may send it to their home licensing authority to action.