Harrogate local planning guidance and supplementary planning documents

We produce a number of local planning and design guidance documents to help applicants and developers use various policies in the current local plan.

Please be aware that some documents hold more weight than others, so make sure you check to see which ones apply to your application.

Supplementary planning documents (SPD):

SPDs provide additional information about how policies contained within development plan documents (DPDs), can be taken forward. SPDs do not have to undergo independent examination, but we must consult on the content of any SPD before it can be adopted and used as a material consideration in the determination of a planning application.

Supplementary planning guidance (SPG):

SPGs often cover general themes such as landscape, biodiversity and in some cases, they may include site-specific guidance. SPGs also undergo consultation, so carry the same weight as SPDs.

  • landscape character assessment (LCA)
  • landscape design guide published 1999
  • Harrogate biodiversity action plan (BAP)
  • biodiversity design guide published 1999
  • residential design guide published 1999
  • shop fronts design guide published 2019
  • Harrogate district telecommunications strategy published 1999 supplements the provisions of Policy CF10 to the Harrogate district local plan 2001
  • Station Parade, Harrogate: Development brief published 2005 (SPG). This document is compiled and includes a summary of comments on its draft

Other planning guidance (OPG) and guidance notes:

Village design statements (VDS)

VDS are community-prepared documents, which provide guidance to developers and individuals to help encourage design that will enhance and protect the individual character of the village.

Conservation and design guidance notes

A set of guidance notes have been created to give additional guidance on aspects of the historic environment; both to provide general information and to give specific guidance on subject areas. The guidance should be taken into account when formulating proposals for development or alterations to heritage assets. The guidance notes are not adopted and therefore do not carry as much weight as supplementary planning documents or supplementary planning guidance.

Planning guidance downloads