
The Harrogate district biodiversity action plan (BAP)  sets out how we hope to stop and reverse the decline in wildlife in the district.

It's the result of a partnership between us and bodies including Natural England and the Environment Agency, along with local naturalists and conservation groups and local people.

The Biodiversity Action Partnership has identified key habitats and species which are contained in the individual habitat and species action plans. These set out the importance of the species and habitat, identify their local status, threats to them and opportunities to help their recovery.

Finally, the action programme draws together the targets and actions to help to reverse these declines locally.

The BAP document includes a look at policy, an overview of the district's wildlife, 15 habitat action plans (HAPs), seven species action plans (SAPs) and the action programme. It's a “snapshot in time” but will be a useful reference tool and a basis for ongoing monitoring of the district's wildlife - and for future projects to secure and improve biodiversity.

The plan is intended as a living document, so the action programme is likely to be updated annually. Progress will be monitored via the biodiversity action reporting system (BARS) progress report.

 Habitat action plan arable field margins December 2012 (pdf / 203 KB)
 Habitat action plan blanket bog December 2012 (pdf / 396 KB)
 Habitat action plan fens December 2012 (pdf / 186 KB)
 Habitat action plan flowing water December 2012 (pdf / 420 KB)
 Habitat action plan gardens December 2012 (pdf / 252 KB)
 Habitat action plan hedgerows December 2012 (pdf / 728 KB)
 Habitat action plan lowland grass December 2012 (pdf / 713 KB)
 Habitat action plan magnesian grass December 2012 (pdf / 298 KB)
 Habitat action plan moor edge December 2012 (pdf / 372 KB)
 Habitat action plan reedbeds December 2012 (pdf / 168 KB)
 Habitat action plan standing water December 2012 (pdf / 600 KB)
 Habitat action plan upland grass December 2012 (pdf / 342 KB)
 Habitat action plan upland heath December 2012 (pdf / 602 KB)
 Habitat action plan wood pasture parkland veteran trees December 2012 (pdf / 258 KB)
 Habitat action plan woodland December 2012 (pdf / 696 KB)
 Harrogate biodiversity action plan progress report November 2011 (pdf / 589 KB)
 Harrogate district biodiversity action plan action programme December 2012 (pdf / 330 KB)
 Harrogate district biodiversity action plan cover intro and guidance notes December 2012 (pdf / 731 KB)
 Species action plan bats December 2012 (pdf / 279 KB)
 Species action plan hen harrier December 2012 (pdf / 179 KB)
 Species action plan otters December 2012 (pdf / 165 KB)
 Species action plan thistle broomrape December 2012 (pdf / 163 KB)
 Species action plan water voles December 2012 (pdf / 168 KB)
 Annex one Harrogate district local priority species (pdf / 46 KB)