Landscape character assessment

Landscape character assessment (LCA) is the process of identifying and describing the variation in character of the landscape.

LCA documents identify and explain the unique combination of elements and features that make landscapes distinctive by mapping and describing character types and areas. They also show how the landscape is perceived, experienced and valued by people.

The documents contain a wealth of natural and historic information, both written and visual, which local people, natural history societies and potential visitors may find interesting.

The pressures of development can pose a threat to the range of rural and urban landscape character types in the Harrogate district. LCA documents are often used to help with development and planning decision-making.

This thorough landscape character assessment, approved as supplementary planning guidance in February 2004, divides the district into more than 100 separate areas.

Landscape character assessment district overview map

Landscape character assessment quadrants

The LCA introduction gives overall information on the assessment.

 LCA introduction (pdf / 760 KB)

 LCA Appendices (pdf / 324 KB)