Harrogate affordable housing supplementary planning document

The affordable housing supplementary planning document (SPD) provides additional background, help and guidance in relation to Policy HS2: affordable housing of the adopted Harrogate district local plan 2014-2035.

Further information on SPDs and details of other adopted SPDs can be found by visiting the local planning guidance and SPDs page.

 Affordable housing SPD 2021 (pdf / 768 KB)

Development of the SPD

The affordable housing SPD was adopted on 1 June 2021. The adoption statement, consultation statement and SEA screening can be viewed below:

 Affordable Housing SPD Adoption Statement 2021 (pdf / 407 KB)

 Affordable Housing SPD Consultation Statement 2021 (pdf / 772 KB)

 Affordable Housing SPD SEA Screening Statement May 2021 (pdf / 481 KB)

First homes guidance note

This guidance note sets out our approach to implementation of the government's first homes policy and guidance. It was adopted in January 2022 and is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.

The most appropriate and flexible way for us to implement this first homes guidance is on a case-by-case basis in the Harrogate Local Plan area. Applicants must demonstrate how proposals meet the relevant adopted Local Plan policies. In relation to first homes, the applicant should demonstrate how they propose to “bridge the gap” that will be created between the value of the adopted affordable housing policies and the lesser value to the council of including first homes into the mix. This could be through:

  • top-up contribution - details of how this is calculated is detailed in the first homes guidance 
  • additional on-site provision (depending on location)
  • providing a different tenure split
  • higher specification of homes
  • additional carbon reduction measures such as solar panels or heat pumps

This will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis and viability will be taken into account as per the provisions of the adopted policies. It's essential that you discuss your proposal with our housing and planning officers as early as possible.

 First homes guidance (pdf / 232 KB)