This list the documents, statements and other relevant correspondence issued after the submission of the new settlement (Maltkiln) development plan document to the Secretary of State on 28 March 2024. This library will be updated with all material issued by the inspector, North Yorkshire Council and other parties throughout the examination process. The documents are grouped according to the type of document wherever possible.
Inspector and programme officer documents
- ID01 Inspector's examination guidance note (pdf / 166 KB)
- ID02 Inspector's matters, issues and questions (pdf / 195 KB)
- ID03 Hearing programme (pdf / 209 KB)
- ID04 Programme officer letter accompanying hearing documents - July 2024 (pdf / 160 KB)
North Yorkshire Council documents
- NYCD01 Maltkiln DPD with track changes of suggested main modifications (pdf / 3 MB)
- NYCD02 Matter 1 Post-hearing note (pdf / 122 KB)
- NYCD03 Matter 2 Post-hearing note final (pdf / 1 MB)
- NYCD04 Statement of Common Ground with North Yorkshire Council, Caddick Developments and Hargreaves Land (pdf / 1 MB)
- NYCD05 Matter 5 Post-hearing note (pdf / 347 KB)
- NYCD06 Matter 2 Post-hearing further information maps (pdf / 3 MB)
Documents submitted by other parties during examination
- DF01 - Letter from Caddick Developments to North Yorkshire Council 30 August 2024 (pdf / 85 KB)
- DF01a - Maltkiln outline planning application document schedule 23 August 2024 (pdf / 155 KB)
- DF01b Plan 1 - Copy of figure two of the Development Plan Document (pdf / 474 KB)
- DF01c Plan 2 - Land ownership plan showing the location of Johnsons land proposed settlement boundary (pdf / 565 KB)
- DF01d Plan 3 - Suggested alternative to Development Plan Document figure two (pdf / 501 KB)
- DF01e Plan 4 - Development Plan Document figure one in its current form (pdf / 856 KB)
- DF01f Plan 5 - Development Plan Document figure one suggested alteration proposed by Caddick Developments (pdf / 937 KB)
- DF02 M Johnsons proposed relocation site submitted by Caddick Developments (pdf / 581 KB)
- DF03 Matter 6 submission by coalition of seven parish councils density (pdf / 790 KB)
- DF04 Matter 6 submission by coalition of seven councils density (pdf / 714 KB)