Publication scheme

Find out about the type of information we hold, how to access this information and any charges that may apply.

A guide to accessing information

The publication scheme sets out the categories of information that we publish and it explains how to access that information.

This publication scheme is not a list of individual publications, but is a description of the classes or types of information that we are committed to publishing.

Not all information we hold or publish is shown in our publication scheme. Contact the Freedom of Information team to request access to any information that is not regularly published.

The types of information are shown below:

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information about projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit

Financial statements and reports

Member and staff allowances

Procurement procedures/contracts

Services provided by the council

Information about the services we provide including leaflets, guidance and newsletters

Details of all council services can be found on our home page or by using the search tool which can be found at the top of each web page, or by visiting our A to Z of services page.

Asset register

The following pages show the prices for publications, leaflets and information that we charge for: