Equalities assessment and consultation

We use equality impact assessments to try to make sure we deliver services fairly.

These assessments help us consider the needs different people have and make sure that we can meet these needs. The assessments will often include the views of people who use the service.

The equality act 2010

The law states we must: 

  • eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • promote equality of opportunity
  • encourage good relations

We have to make decisions fairly and consider the 'protected characteristics' of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. The term 'eliminate unlawful discrimination' also covers marriage and civil partnerships.

We do not have to do equality impact assessments but we have found the process helps us to understand the impacts of a proposal on any or all protected groups. If we find that our proposal is likely to affect some people in a negative way we can look for ways to reduce or remove the impact.

Publishing our equality impact assessment reports

We publish all of our completed reports. They are available under the following themes.

Ensuring good access for all

Assessments include highways and transportation, concessionary fares and blue badges, access to services, libraries and county council meetings.

Assessments from 2023


Helping all children and young people to develop their full potential

Equality impact assessments under this objective include school services, children centres and children's social care.

Assessments from 2021

Assessments from 2020

Helping people to live in safe communities

Equality impact assessments under this objective include road safety, emergency planning, consumer services, and street lighting.

There are currently no equality impact assessments for helping people live in safer communities.

Human resources and internal procedures

Maintaining and enhancing our environment and heritage

Equality impact assessments under this objective include waste, countryside and other environmental matters.

Assessments from 2023

Evidencing paying due regard to protected characteristics - A59 Kex Gill Diversion Scheme

Promoting a flourishing economy

Equality impact assessments under this objective include business advice and other services provided to support the economy.

There are currently no equality impact assessments for promoting a flourishing economy.

Environmental health, protection and licensing

Equality impact assessments under this objective include licensing.

Assessments from 2018

Budget report 2022 to 2023

Equality impact assessments on this page relate to the budget report for 2022 to 2023 to be considered at a meeting of the full council on 16 February 2022.

North Yorkshire Health Determinants Research Collaboration

Public Health Primary Care Services transformation

Exercise of care act easements in Health and Adult Services (Coronavirus Act 2020)

Individual bank accounts for court of protection and appointee clients that North Yorkshire County Council administer the finances for.

Equality impact assessments can also be found within service pages on this website.

Equality impact assessments before 2018 are archived. Please contact us for more details.