Education and learning

Find out about education and learning.

Services List

School admissions

Learn about school admissions and apply for a place for your child at a primary or secondary school in North Yorkshire.

School and college transport

Information about eligibility to home to school travel, post 16 transport, paid travel permits and bus timetable information.

Free school meals

Free school meals are available to all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils and to children whose parents receive certain benefits.

School meals

School meals can provide a healthy and nutritionally balanced meal for your child every day.

School closures

Sometimes schools need to close because of bad weather, loss of utility services such as electric, gas or water or other emergencies.

Outdoor learning service

Find out about our Educational Visits Advisory Service, as well as the outdoor learning and training courses at East Barnby and Bewerley Park for children and young people, families, adults and business groups.


NYES (formerly North Yorkshire Education Services) supports educators nationwide to deliver an outstanding learning experience for all children and young people by providing a wide range of school improvement and professional support services.