Strategies, plans and policies

View our strategies, plans and policies.

The Council Plan

The Council Plan details how we intend to adapt to meet the future challenges. Read our council plan.

Your council

Corporate equality policy statement

We are committed to equality and to making fair treatment an important part of everything we do. This statement sets out how we will achieve our aims.

View our Corporate equality policy statement.

Corporate governance policy

Corporate governance is the system by which a local authority directs and controls its functions and relates to the community it serves.

View our Corporate governance policy.

Digital Strategy and projects

Our digital strategy gives clear direction as to how North Yorkshire will become a smart county. It is a response to the massive changes as the ‘Digital Revolution’ accelerates and impacts on the county, our citizens and businesses in fundamental ways.

Read our digital strategy and find out about our digital projects.

Health and safety policy

The health and safety policy includes our financial and legal responsibilities and duties that we have for the health, safety and welfare of our employees and others affected by our activities.

Read our Health and safety policy.

Modern slavery statement

This statement sets out our actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to our business and to put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our own business or our supply chains.

Read our Modern slavery statement.

People strategy

Our People Strategy 2023-25 is our workforce plan. It is a key building block to ensure we will be in the best possible position to achieve our ambitions as a new council and set us on strong foundations so we can rise to current and new challenges that face us.

 View our People Strategy (pdf / 1 MB).

Procurement and contract management strategy

Our Procurement and Contract Management Strategy 2023-2029 sets out our plan to achieve best value, efficient use of resources, use of technology, innovation and practices and procedures to ensure we make the best use of spending as a new council.

View our Procurement and Contract Management Strategy.

Risk management policy

This policy sets out the contribution that risk management is expected to make to the continued success of the council, what that success looks like, and the framework and process by which it should be achieved.

 View our risk management policy (pdf / 283 KB)

Business and Planning

Our economic growth strategy - 2024 to 2029

North Yorkshire is a unique and special place. Its scale and industries make it integral to the North of England’s economic future, and its landscapes, culture and history make it a fantastic place to live, work and do business. Our economic growth strategy is a key milestone, marking an exciting new phase for our economy and establishing our leading role. One where we take the lead on tackling some of the big economic challenges of our time such as net zero and energy security, and harness our strengths to combine accelerated economic growth which benefits all our people and places with a carbon negative economy and outstanding quality of life. We also have a key enabling role, as we seek to maximise investment in North Yorkshire from the private sector, government and funding agencies.

 Read our plan for economic growth 2024 to 2029 (pdf / 5 MB).

Mobile Communications Strategy

The Mobile Communications Strategy sets out our plans to support economic growth through the delivery of improved mobile connectivity whilst preparing the county for the next generation of mobile technology.

 Read our Mobile Communications Strategy (pdf / 1 MB)

Spatial Framework

The Spatial Framework is a non-statutory document that outlines the vision and priorities for growth, and the overall spatial strategy for the York, North Yorkshire, East Riding and Hull sub region.

 Read our Spatial Framework (pdf / 3 MB)

Minerals and waste Plan

We have a Joint Minerals and Waste Plan which was prepared by the former North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council and the North York Moors National Park Authority. This has policies around where and how minerals are to be extracted, land to be safeguarded because of its minerals resources, sites for waste treatment and management and policies which manage the impacts of minerals and waste projects on our environment.

Find out more on our planning policy for minerals and waste page.

North Yorkshire Local Plan

The North Yorkshire Local Plan will set out where development will take place across North Yorkshire (outside of the National Parks) over the next 15 to 20 years, and will be used to assess planning applications. 

It covers matters such as meeting our housing needs, identifies land for business and industry to develop, ensure improved access to services and facilities and getting good quality developments which protect and complement our outstanding natural environment and cultural heritage. The local plan has a really important role to play in how we deliver the Council Plan and our other strategies.

Find out more and how you can get involved on our North Yorkshire Local Plan page.

Children and young people's services

Being Young in North Yorkshire

The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Strategy for children and young people living in North Yorkshire.

View the Being Young in North Yorkshire strategy.

Strategic plan for SEND education provision 0-25, 2018 to 2023

This plan sets out what we will do to develop and improve education provision for children and young people with SEND in North Yorkshire.

Read our  Strategic plan for SEND education provision 0-25 (pdf / 3 MB).

We care because you matter

‘We care because you matter’ is our strategy for looked after children and young people, and those leaving care.

Read our We care because you matter strategy.

Special guardianship policy and information

Information about where and how special guardian carers can access information, support and services for the child they are caring for. This policy covers all aspects of special guardianship support services, including assessment for support services and financial support.

Read the  special guardianship policy (pdf / 2 MB)

Read the  special guardianship information for carers report (pdf / 5 MB)

Family and Friends Policy 2023-2026

In North Yorkshire Council, we are committed to supporting children and young people to live in safe and loving homes.

Read the  Family and Friends Policy (pdf / 1 MB)

Permanency Strategy 2022-2025

Permanence for children is achieved through our commitment to working alongside families, forming relationships that enable us to identify networks in family’s lives and ensuring all children that we work with are supported to remain connected to those that are important to them. 

Read the  permanency strategy (pdf / 3 MB)

Education and learning

Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Deficit Management

The grant conditions for the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) require that any Local Authority with an overall deficit on its DSG account at the end of the 2019 to 2020 financial year, or whose DSG surplus has substantially reduced during the year develops a plan for managing their future DSG spend. Local Authorities are required to share this information with their stakeholders, such as schools forums, parent and carer forum, local headteacher boards or groups, and also with the Department for Education.

 Read our Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Deficit Management (pdf / 2 MB)

Strategy for school improvement

North Yorkshire's strategy and support for partnership working with schools and settings to improve outcomes for all children and young people.

For more information please visit the CYPS info website.

Home to School Travel Policy

We are responsible for setting a Home to School Travel Policy which ensures the equitable provision of transport to those who qualify under our statutory duties and to explain when discretionary transport provision might be available.

 Download the Home to School Travel Policy for children from Reception to Year 11 (pdf / 1 MB)

Sustainable modes of travel to school plan

Find out how we meet the requirements and duties on home to school transport, as set out in the statutory guidance.

Read the sustainable modes of travel to school plan.

Environment and waste

Climate change strategy 2023 to 2030

Our climate change strategy sets out how we will respond to the climate emergency by:

  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • preparing for the changing climate
  • supporting nature to thrive

We will work with partners to achieve the ambition to be a carbon negative region by 2040 and encourage residents, businesses and visitors to take climate responsible actions.

 Read the climate change strategy (pdf / 11 MB)

Let's Talk Less Rubbish waste strategy

"Let's talk less rubbish" is the strategy that sets out how waste in York and North Yorkshire will be dealt with in the next 20 years.

 Read our Let's Talk Less Rubbish waste strategy (pdf / 642 KB)

Health and adult services

Dignity in care

The Dignity in Care campaign aims to stimulate debate around the need for people receiving care services to be treated with dignity and respect.

Read our Dignity in Care charter.

Health and adult services local account

A local account is an annual statement that all councils who provide adult social care services are required to produce.

Read our adult social care local account.

Joint health and wellbeing strategy

The joint health and wellbeing strategy, is produced by the health and wellbeing board. It explains what health and wellbeing priorities the board has set in order to tackle identified needs. It is not about taking action on everything at once, but about setting priorities for joint action and making a real impact on people's lives.

 Read our Joint health and wellbeing strategy. (pdf / 2 MB)

Carers strategy - caring for carers 2017-22

Caring for carers sets out North Yorkshire’s over-arching strategy for promoting carers' health and wellbeing. It has been produced by the health and wellbeing board for North Yorkshire, working on behalf of local residents. It is an all-ages strategy, aimed at supporting carers to both continue caring and to have a life of their own.

View our  Carers strategy - caring for carers 2017-22. (pdf / 3 MB)

Health and Adult Services 2025 plan

The Health and Adult Services 2022 to 2025 plan sets out the directorate’s plan for Health and Adult Services in North Yorkshire.

Read the Health and Adult Services 2025 plan.

Adult social care practice framework

Find out more about how we deliver outstanding social care practice in North Yorkshire.

 Read our Adult social care practice framework (pdf / 515 KB).

Housing and homelessness

Housing Strategy 2024-2029

The North Yorkshire Housing Strategy 2024-2029 sets out the strategic direction for housing activity across North Yorkshire and the vision to ensure good quality, affordable, healthy and sustainable homes that meet the present and future needs of all our communities.

 Read our housing strategy (pdf / 7 MB)

Housing standards enforcement policy

We have various duties to ensure landlords, property owners and lettings/management agents comply with the law. This policy outlines our approach to meeting these duties. In particular, the policy explains how we use the different mandatory and discretionary powers available to us to ensure that landlords manage homes effectively and undertake the necessary repairs and improvements to their properties to keep their tenants safe.

Read our housing standards enforcement policy

Domestic Abuse Policy for the Housing Service

We believe that everyone has the right to live free from fear of abuse or violence. This policy explains how we train our staff in the Housing Service to understand domestic abuse and respond in a supportive way.

We aim to reduce the risk of domestic abuse, and this policy outlines how we will respond when it affects our residents, tenants, leaseholders, and members. 

We are working towards adopting best practice through the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance accreditation.

Read our domestic abuse policy for the housing service

Leisure and culture

Your library, your place 2020-2030

The library strategy focuses on four core aims for North Yorkshire, set against the proven outcomes research shows that libraries deliver: raising aspirations, stimulating enjoyment of culture and helping people live independent lives.

Read Your library, your place 2020-2030.

North Yorkshire Cultural Strategy

The North Yorkshire Cultural Strategy is about supporting and collaborating with our communities and our cultural sector, developing welcoming and accessible places and spaces to engage with culture and creativity and creating a region where accessible and inclusive culture and heritage is at the heart of improving people’s lives. It was published in November 2024.

 Download the North Yorkshire Cultural Strategy (pdf / 2 MB)

Licensing and registration

Hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy

This is the policy that we will apply when making decisions about applications for: 

  • combined hackney carriage and private hire driver licences
  • hackney carriage vehicle licences
  • private hire vehicle licences
  • private hire operator licences

View our  hackney carriage and private hire licensing policy (pdf / 675 KB).

Transport and streets

The local transport plan

The local transport plan is a set of documents that the Government requires all local transport authorities to produce. The plan sets out our plans and strategies for maintaining and improving all aspects of the local transport system over a set period of time.

Read our local transport plan.

Bus Service Improvement Plan

20mph Speed Limit and Zone Policy

Our 20mph Speed Limit and Zone Policy provide the framework within which we will consider and assess the implementation of 20mh speed limits and zones.

Read our 20mph Speed Limit and Zone Policy.