As a consequence of the abolition of regional plans, there is a need for us, as the local planning authority, to develop a local plan which determines and provides for the level of housing needed in the long term.
A strategic housing land availability assessment (SHLAA) is a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and is seen as an important part of the evidence base for local plans.
The 2021 Scarborough borough strategic housing market assessment provides the latest available evidence to help to shape the future planning and housing policies of the area.
A whole local plan viability assessment has been completed recently (May 2022) to inform the viability of implementing new and revised policies through the local plan review and to assist in setting affordable housing targets.
This employment land review (ELR) seeks to provide an up-to-date position on economic issues in the borough and an evidence base for the planning policies within the local plan.
In 2007, a retail study of the borough was completed to inform the production of the LDF and provide evidence for future examinations. This study is now updated using the latest population data and expenditure growth projections.
Opinion Research Services (ORS) were commissioned by us to undertake a Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation assessment. The report was completed in September 2021.
This landscape character assessment (finalised in 2013) forms part of the evidence base for the Scarborough borough local plan and informs the direction of future landscape planning policy.
This green space audit has been produced as a means of establishing a plan for the provision of open space, sport and recreation facilities (or ‘green space’) across the area.