This study will contribute to a robust evidence base to support the preparation of our local plan review and planning policy documents relating to affordable housing. It provided parameters and options for us to consider for affordable housing policy development from a viability perspective as well as other policies that have a cost impact on development. The study considered viability over a range of values to test how viability varied over geography and over time taking into account variations in market conditions.
For information purposes, the previous affordable housing economic viability assessment 2011 (AHEVA) is available to view below. This was partially updated in 2016.
Scarborough local plan viability assessment (2022) report (pdf / 5 MB)
Scarborough local plan viability assessment (2022) appendices (pdf / 10 MB)
Affordable housing economic viability assessment (2011) (pdf / 5 MB)
Affordable housing economic viability update (2016) (pdf / 5 MB)