It will also provide evidence at a strategic level for development management decisions.
It describes, assesses and evaluates the character of the rural landscapes of Scarborough, identifying broadly aspects of the landscape which would be sensitive to change, and appropriate strategies for the landscapes.
The qualities and sensitivities of the borough’s landscape are drawn out at a strategic scale in the companion volume one. Volume two adds detail to that report, assessing the sensitivity of the local landscape of potential housing allocations to residential and mixed-use development of the type and scale anticipated in Scarborough during the local plan period.
The North Yorkshire and York landscape character assessment is now available online. It provides a valuable reference document for everyone with an interest in the sustainable management of the landscapes of the countryside, coast and settlements.
Scarborough borough landscape study volume one - borough wide landscape character assessment (pdf / 16 MB)
Scarborough borough landscape assessment volume two - a landscape sensitivity study (pdf / 6 MB)
Middle Deepdale landscape sensitivity analysis (pdf / 481 KB)
Scarborough borough landscape study executive summary (pdf / 8 MB)