Roecliffe neighbourhood plan

Following a positive referendum, the Roecliffe and Westwick neighbourhood plan has now been made part of the statutory development plan for the Harrogate district.

The Roecliffe and Westwick neighbourhood plan, examiner's report and final decision statement are below:

 Roecliffe Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2032 part 1 (pdf / 14 MB)

 Roecliffe Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2032 part 2 (pdf / 13 MB)

 Roecliffe Neighbourhood Plan 2019-2032 part 3 (pdf / 13 MB)

 Roecliffe and Westwick report of the independent examination (pdf / 1 MB)

 Final decision statement (pdf / 217 KB)

The documents, along with further information about the plan and its development, can also be found on Roecliffe Village's website.

6 May 2022: Roecliffe and Westwick Neighbourhood Plan referendum

 Roecliffe and Westwick neighbourhood plan 2022 results (pdf / 117 KB)

27 July 2021: Decision to proceed to referendum

In April 2021, the independent examiner for the Roecliffe and Westwick Neighbourhood Plan, Mr Terry Heselton, reported his findings and recommendations within the  Roecliffe and Westwick Report of the independent examination (pdf / 1 MB).

On 27 July 2021, Councillor Myatt, Cabinet Member for Planning resolved to accept the examiner's recommendations and proceed to referendum. This decision is summarised in the  Roecliffe and Westwick Regulation 18 decision statement (pdf / 109 KB).

The referendum will take place on a date to be agreed between Harrogate Borough Council and Roecliffe and Westwick Parish Council.

3 March 2021: Response to examiner's questions

Harrogate Borough Council, in consultation with Roecliffe and Westwick Parish Council, have submitted their  response to the examiner's questions (dated 22 February 2021) (pdf / 3 MB)

23 February 2021: Examination update note

The independent examiner has provided an  examination update and questions to Harrogate Borough Council and Roecliffe and Westwick Parish Council (pdf / 188 KB).

8 February 2021: Roecliffe and Westwick Parish Council respond to Regulation 16 representations

Roecliffe and Westwick Parish Council have submitted a response to comments submitted by other parties at the Regulation 16 publicity stage.  The parish council's response to the comments (pdf / 87 KB) and accompanying  minutes of the neighbourhood plan meeting on 14 August 2019 (pdf / 74 KB) has been accepted by the independent examiner.

1 February 2021: Neighbourhood plan examiner appointed

Mr Terry Heselton BA (Hons), Dip TP, MRTPI has been appointed as examiner to conduct the examination of the Roecliffe and Westwick neighbourhood plan and publish a report with recommendations.

All representations received during the Regulation 16 consultation have been forwarded to the examiner along with the neighbourhood plan documents. These representations, and the neighbourhood plan documents, can be viewed at the planning policy consultation portal.

The examination will commence on 8 February 2021 and will be carried out in line with the  examination procedure note (pdf / 204 KB).

November 2020: Consultation on the Roecliffe and Westwick Parish neighbourhood plan submission draft

Roecliffe and Westwick Parish Council have submitted their draft neighbourhood plan to Harrogate Borough Council. In accordance with provision 16 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Harrogate Borough Council will publicise the plan and seek comments from those who live, work or carry out business in the Roecliffe and Westwick neighbourhood area.

The consultation will run from Thursday 20 November 2020 to 4.30pm on Friday 15 January 2020.

The Roecliffe and Westwick Parish neighbourhood plan submission draft, the supporting documents and details of how to comment can be viewed on the planning policy consultation portal at

Following the consultation, Harrogate Borough Council will facilitate the formal process of a public examination by an independent examiner. Copies of all comments received during this consultation will be provided to the independent examiner to submit the Roecliffe and Westwick Parish neighbourhood plan.

April 2019: Consultation on a pre-submission draft neighbourhood plan

Roecliffe and Westwick Parish Council are consulting on a pre-submission draft of their neighbourhood plan. This consultation relates to regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012.

The Roecliffe and Westwick neighbourhood plan: A pre-submission draft has been developed following informal public engagement and includes the draft policies that the parish council wishes to see put in place and information to justify the proposed policies.

The consultation closed on Friday 28 June 2019. The consultation documents, further information and comment forms are available from Roecliffe and Westwick Parish Council: Comments should be sent directly to the parish council at: The pre-submission draft plan and accompanying strategic environmental assessment (including habitat regulations assessment draft screening report) can be viewed below:

 Roecliffe and Westwick neighbourhood plan pre-submission draft (March 2019) (pdf / 6 MB)

 Strategic environmental assessment and habitat regulations assessment draft screening report (pdf / 232 KB)

September 2015: Neighbourhood area designation

We have formally designated a Roecliffe and Westwick neighbourhood area following an application from Roecliffe and Westwick Parish Council. The parish council will now begin to develop a neighbourhood plan with the local community.

Documents relating to the designation can be viewed below:

Roecliffe and Westwick neighbourhood area decision notice

Roecliffe and Westwick report to the Cabinet Member for Planning

 Roecliffe and Westwick application supporting statement (pdf / 44 KB)

 Roecliffe and Westwick application map (pdf / 619 KB)