Community infrastructure levy policy

As of 1 January 2016 we have implemented a community infrastructure levy (CIL) charging schedule.

For any further information please visit our community infrastructure levy documents page.

Please see the documents below for full details, these documents were used for the community infrastructure levy inspection.

December 2015

After agreement at a meeting of the Full Council on 3 December 2015, we have now adopted the community infrastructure levy which will be implemented from 1 January 2016. The below documents should now be consulted before submitting a planning application if the decision is likely to be made after 1 January 2016.

25 September 2015

We are developing our community infrastructure levy which will be charged on new buildings to fund improvements to infrastructure and has now accepted a report on its plans by an independent Planning Inspector. The Inspector looked in detail at our CIL proposals with an examination in public of the documents last month. You can read a copy of the report below.

The findings are scheduled to be considered by us in December with a proposed adoption date of 1 January 2016.

A consultation over the proposals took place last summer, with a second consultation earlier this year, in order to gather a range of opinions from the public and developers, and we have now listened to the points raised to refine the proposals for the levy.

The CIL proposes three housing development charging zones of £10/£35/£50sqm with £110sqm for supermarkets and £60sqm for retail warehouses. The rates are based on a detailed analysis of up-to-date viability evidence.

Funds raised via the levy can only be spent on strategic infrastructure which includes transport, flood defences, schools, health and social care facilities, cultural and sports facilities as well as the maintenance and improvement of facilities affected by development. We may only spend CIL revenue on infrastructure items listed and published on its Regulation 123 list which is available on the website.

This website will be updated as necessary on the run-up to adoption, any enquiries should be sent to

This website will be updated as necessary on the run-up to adoption, any enquiries should be sent to

We have now appointed an Examiner to conduct a hearing on the proposed CIL.

The Examiner will be Philip Staddon BSc, Dip, MBA, MRTPI.

The hearing will take place on 12 August 2015 from 10am onwards

Council Chamber, Selby District Council, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby YO8 9FT

 The examiner’s note/hearing agenda (pdf / 172 KB)

Under the relevant regulations, all parties who have requested to be heard have been notified.

The community infrastructure levy core documents have been updated.

Submission of documents and information to the examiner

We have submitted the community infrastructure levy documents as required under Regulation 19 of the community infrastructure levy 2010 regulations to the examiner.

In line with the regulations, those who requested to be notified of the submission under Regulation 19(c) have been notified.

A copy of the draft charging schedule as well as all documents required by Regulation 19 (1) is available to download on this website or to view in person at Access Selby, Market Cross Shopping Centre, Selby, YO8 4JS.

Currently, we are waiting for the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) to confirm the full details of the appointed examiner as well as the full details of when the hearing will take place. Currently, PINS estimate this to be 10 weeks after submission which will be around mid-July 2015. These details will be published as soon as we are made aware.

The Program Officer is Lesley Mosley, 01757 292172, Selby District Council, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT.

Documents submitted to PINS are listed in CD1 (core document list)

Draft charging schedule new consultation - 3 February 2015

Following an error which included an outdated version of the revised draft charging schedule report being published the consultation has been withdrawn and has started again today 3 February 2015.

Our draft charging schedule was published for public consultation between 14 July and 18 September 2014. This consultation was published in accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended in 2011, 2012 2013 and 2014) and in total, we received 25 representations within the consultation period.

Following analysis of the representations we have made a number of modifications and in accordance with Regulations 11 and 19 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) the below Statement of Modifications sets out the changes which have been made.

As required under Regulation 19 of the Community Infrastructure Regulations, a copy of this statement of modifications has been sent to the relevant consultation bodies invited to make representations under Regulation 15 (draft charging schedule) and published on our website.

Requests to be heard

Any person may request to be heard by the examiner in relation to the modifications as set out in this statement of modifications. Requests to be heard by the examiner in relation to these modifications must be made in writing within four weeks of the consultation date of 3 February 2015, to the below postal or email address. Persons requesting to be heard should indicate whether they support or oppose the modifications and explain why.

In accordance with the Regulations, a copy of each request to be heard in relation to these modifications will be forwarded to the examiner. Requests to be heard may be withdrawn at any time before the opening of the examination by giving notice in writing to us.

It is no longer possible to comment on other aspects of the draft charging schedule. All requests must be directly related to the changes made in this statement of modification.

Policy Team - 01757 292092

Policy and Strategy Team, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT

Comments cannot be treated as confidential and they will be made available as public documents.

It is no longer possible to comment on any other aspects of the draft charging schedule. All requests must be directly related to the changes made in this statement of modification.

The draft charging schedule material can be downloaded in the links below:

Consultation withdrawn

Draft charging schedule new consultation - 30 January 2015

Our draft charging schedule was published for public consultation between 14 July and 18 September 2014. This consultation was published in accordance with the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014) and in total, we received 25 representations within the consultation period.

Following analysis of the representations we have made a number of modifications and in accordance with Regulations 11 and 19 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) the below statement of modifications sets out the changes which have been made.

As required under Regulation 19 of the community infrastructure regulations, a copy of this statement of modifications has been sent to the relevant consultation bodies invited to make representations under Regulation 15 (draft charging schedule) and published on our website.

Requests to be heard

Any person may request to be heard by the examiner in relation to the modifications as set out in this statement of modifications. Requests to be heard by the examiner in relation to these modifications must be made in writing within four weeks of the consultation date of 30 January 2015, to the below postal or email address. Persons requesting to be heard should indicate whether they support or oppose the modifications and explain why.

In accordance with the Regulations, a copy of each request to be heard in relation to these modifications will be forwarded to the examiner. Requests to be heard may be withdrawn at any time before the opening of the examination by giving notice in writing to us.

It is no longer possible to comment on other aspects of the draft charging schedule. All requests must be directly related to the changes made in this statement of modification.

Policy Team - 01757 292092

Policy and Strategy Team, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT

Comments cannot be treated as confidential and they will be made available as public documents.

It is no longer possible to comment on any other aspects of the draft charging schedule. All requests must be directly related to the changes made in this statement of modification.

This draft charging schedule (DCS) material can be downloaded in the links below:

Draft charging schedule

Our consultants Peter Brett Associates and ourselves have considered the responses made during the preliminary draft charging schedule consultation that took place earlier this year.

The revised community infrastructure levy material was approved for consultation at the meeting of The Executive on 3 July 2014. Consultation on the updated CIL took place from 14 July at 5pm to 18 September 2014.

The consultation has now ended and we are considering the responses.

Comments cannot be treated as confidential and they will be made available as public documents.

Preliminary draft charging schedule

March 2014 - consultation has now closed on the preliminary draft charging schedule. We are considering the comments made and will publish its draft charging schedule for further comments, soon.

Our preliminary draft charging schedule is the subject of consultation for six weeks which started on 14 January 2014 and ended at 4.30pm on 28 February 2014.

Any comments made cannot be treated as confidential and they will be made available as public documents.

What happens next?

Following completion of the consultation on the preliminary draft charging schedule, the representations received will be reviewed, and if required, alternations made or further economic viability testing undertaken.

The next stage is to then to prepare and publish a draft charging schedule that will be the subject of a further six-week consultation to take place later in the year. It is anticipated that an examination in public will take place to hear objections before the CIL is adopted and brought into use.