Community infrastructure levy documents

A list of the community infrastructure levy core documents (archived).

CD1 -  Community infrastructure levy core document list (updated July 15) (pdf / 80 KB)
CD2 -  Draft charging schedule submission version (April 2015) (pdf / 758 KB)
CD3 -  Draft charging schedule with modifications (February 2015) (pdf / 758 KB)
CD4 -  Statement of modifications to the draft charging schedule (February 2015) (pdf / 188 KB)
CD5 -  Representations to the CIL draft charging schedule modifications (February 2015) (pdf / 247 KB)
CD6 -  Our responses summary on the draft charging schedule and Regulation 19 (b) compliance statement (February 2015) (pdf / 435 KB)
CD7 -  Draft charging schedule (July 2014) (pdf / 361 KB)
CD8 -  Representations to the CIL draft charging schedule (July 2014) (pdf / 788 KB)
CD9 -  Our responses summary and Regulation 19 (b) statement on the draft charging schedule (July 2014) (pdf / 934 KB)
CD10 -  Community infrastructure levy revised draft charging schedule report (November 2014) (pdf / 801 KB)
CD11 -  Our economic viability assessment (Peter Brett Associates September 2013) (pdf / 1 MB)
CD12 -  Our economic viability assessment addendum report (Peter Brett Associates April 2014) (pdf / 740 KB)
CD13 -  Exceptional circumstances policy (pdf / 69 KB)
CD14 -  Instalments policy (pdf / 91 KB)
CD15 -  Draft Regulation 123 list (2015) (pdf / 86 KB)
CD16 -  Our infrastructure delivery plan (September 2014) (pdf / 221 KB)
CD17 -  Our core strategy (pdf / 4 MB)
CD18 -  Our previous five years S106 data (xlsx / 22 KB)
CD19 -  Our CIL projections for PLAN Selby period (pdf / 59 KB)