The local plan sets out the vision and objectives for the borough, allocates sites for housing and other forms of development and sets out development management policies for the Scarborough borough planning area. It sets the criteria for the determination of planning applications and sets out how other plans and strategies will be implemented.
The local plan, along with any neighbourhood plans, forms the development plan for the local area. It covers the area of the borough outside of the North York Moors National Park. The local plan and associated documents can be viewed at the bottom of this page.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that every local planning authority in England should have a clear, up to date local plan, which conforms to the framework, meets local development needs and reflects local people’s views of how they wish their community to develop. The NPPF provides a framework in which local people and their local councils can produce their own distinctive plans, reflecting their own priorities.
The Scarborough borough local plan has been produced in accordance with the NPPF and other relevant government legislation. The policy and allocations contained within the plan will be used to guide development proposals and planning applications. The local plan will be the main delivery mechanism for the borough's aspirations. It will be the main steer in how we and the borough will develop up to 2032.
The local plan was subject to a process of continuous community involvement while it was prepared.
Policies map
Scarborough borough local plan 2011-32 (pdf / 3 MB)
Adoption statement (pdf / 149 KB)
Report on the examination into the Scarborough borough-local plan February 2017 (pdf / 397 KB)
Scarborough borough local plan report appendix February 2017 (pdf / 567 KB)
Scarborough borough local plan report Annex A February 2017 (pdf / 230 KB)
Scarborough borough local plan report Annex B February 2017 (pdf / 358 KB)
Scarborough borough local plan report Annex C February 2017 (pdf / 26 KB)
Sustainability appraisal of councils main modifications for the local plan (pdf / 2 MB)
Sustainability appraisal addendum June 2016 (pdf / 3 MB)
Sustainability appraisal proposed submission local plan November 2015 (pdf / 2 MB)
Appropriate assessment (HRA) August 2016 (pdf / 1 MB)