National and local validation criteria for planning applications in the Harrogate area

Planning applications that are not submitted with the correct information as stated within these pages may be treated as invalid and will not be processed until such time as the required information has been submitted.

When making a planning application it is vital that it is supported by adequate and accurate information to enable the council, members of the public and other statutory bodies to understand the proposals and allow a proper assessment of the potential impact of the development.

If an application is found to be invalid the receiving officer will try to contact the applicant or agent by telephone and will also send a letter/email specifying the details required to validate the application.

After four weeks, if either the required information has not been received or written confirmation of when the information will be submitted has not been received the application and any fees associated will be returned minus an administration fee.

In exceptional circumstances, further information for a specific application, above and beyond the requirements of the contents of these pages, may be required. If this is the case one of our officers will be in contact with you directly to discuss this matter.

If you feel that the requested validation information does not meet the requirements set out in the Town and Country Planning (Develop Management Procedure) Order, then you have a right of appeal for non-determination.

If your application is found to be invalid The Order allows you to send an "Article 10A" notice which must:

  1. set out which information or evidence you as the applicant either consider to be a reasonable requirement for the scale and nature of the development proposal or are not concerned with a matter that it is reasonable to think will be material in the determination of the application
  2. state the reasons you as the applicant hold that view
  3. request we waiver the requirement(s)

Once we have received your application we will notify you of the decision within eight weeks, although for major this timescale is extended to 13 weeks.

Planning application documents are published on our website, however before publishing, we are required by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), related legislation and best practice to remove 'personal information'.

The following information is asked for on an application form:

  • telephone number
  • email address
  • signatures

We will endeavour to remove this personal information before publishing.

There are occasions when other personal information is submitted within supporting documents, this personal information can include:

  • financial information
  • car registration plates
  • photos of individuals
  • a person's age
  • physical or mental health information
  • views on other individuals - such as their health or anything defamatory or libellous
  • how long a person has resided at a property
  • a person's employment history
  • criminal record - including alleged offences
  • children
  • racial or ethnic origin
  • religious or other beliefs
  • political opinions
  • membership of a trade union
  • sexual orientation or how a person identifies
  • and any other information which may identify an individual person or persons

Even if the applicant, or a person making comments on an application, wants the personal information to be published online, we must endeavour to remove it.

Therefore when submitting an application or comments please can you make sure that the above personal information is only submitted if it is a planning consideration, for example, financial information which may support a change of use application from a business to a dwelling to show that a business is not viable or information to show that a fee is not required as the proposed development is for the sole use of a disabled person. We will endeavour to make sure this information is not published online.

If you submit personal information as set out above please can you ensure that it is either referred to in a covering letter - or contained within a separate document to aid identification and removal from the documents which will be published online.

Requirements for development type


Always required

Application form
Community infrastructure levy
 Drainage information (pdf / 71 KB)
Existing and proposed elevations
Existing and proposed floor plans
Location plan
Site block plan

Sometimes required - use the advisory text to see when required or use the criteria link

Biodiversity pro forma - required in all cases except where an exemption letter is submitted.

Design and access statement - major development, new buildings in the Conservation Area over 100m2 or World Heritage Site.

Flood risk assessment - planning applications for development proposals of 1ha or greater in Flood Zone 1. All proposals for new development, that are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3, or other areas where the Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Boards have indicated there may be drainage problems.

Non-mains drainage assessment - applications proposing non-mains drainage to package sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, cess pools or if the development would add an additional 25%* to the existing system's capacity.

Parking information - this relates to applications for hardstandings/garages/carports.

Tree assessment - when works to protected tree(s) are required to facilitate the development.

Residential new build

The following information will be required

Always required

Application form
Biodiversity pro forma
Community infrastructure levy
Contamination risk assessment
 Drainage information (pdf / 71 KB)
Existing and proposed elevations
Existing and proposed floor plans
Location plan
Parking information - this relates to applications for hardstandings/garages/carports.
Site block plan

Sometimes required - use the advisory text to see when required or use the criteria link

Affordable housing - all planning applications for residential development on sites of 15 dwellings/0.5ha in Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon, and sites of 3 dwellings/0.1ha elsewhere, are subject to Saved Policy H5 of the Harrogate and District Local Plan as amended 2004, which requires an element of affordable housing subject to financial viability.

Agricultural workers dwelling pro forma - required for applications for agricultural workers dwellings only.

Biodiversity metric and supporting documents - all major sites and small sites from 2 April.

Coal mining risk assessment - all applications for new development within the Coal Authority's Coal Mining Referral Areas - except Reserved Matters.

Design and access statement - major development, one or more dwellings in the conservation area, new buildings in the conservation area over 100m2 or World Heritage Site.

Environmental impact assessment - major developments which are of more than local importance; Developments which are proposed for particularly environmentally sensitive or vulnerable locations: Developments with unusually complex and potentially hazardous environmental effects.

Extra care housing pro forma - planning applications for dwellings - where residents will live in individual apartment/flats, that is, with cooking and cleaning facilities, but who receive care.

Flood risk assessment - planning Applications for development proposals of 1ha or greater in Flood Zone 1. All proposals for new development, which are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3, or other areas where the Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Boards have indicated there may be drainage problems.

Marketing statement care homes - applications resulting in the loss of care homes unless documentary evidence is submitted showing that the previous elderly care home has been suitably replaced elsewhere. This could comprise more independent living accommodation such as extra care housing and Category 2 sheltered housing as well as traditional nursing and residential homes.

Marketing statement community facilities - proposal resulting in the loss of community facilities unless submitted with documentary evidence that the previous existing facility has been suitably replaced elsewhere.

Marketing statement hotels - loss of hotels with 30+ bedrooms - unless documentary evidence is submitted to show that the loss of the hotel would have no significant adverse impact on the supply of visitor accommodation available in the area (for locations outside Harrogate town only).

Noise impact assessment - industrial or commercial uses near to residential property, New residential property near to transportation noise sources, New residential property near to existing industrial or commercial premises where industrial noise is the dominant source, New entertainment premises near to residential property and new residential property near to places of entertainment.

Non-mains drainage assessment - applications proposing non-mains drainage to package sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, cess pools or if the development would add an additional 25 per cent* to the existing system's capacity.

Open space provision - applications for residential development.

Planning obligations draft heads of terms - for all major development or schemes where there are any off-site mitigation measures identified.

Planning statement - statement of community involvement - major developments within or adjoining residential areas, major departures from the Development Plan, EIA development, applications which require notification to the Secretary of State and other proposals that are likely to attract significant community interest.

Transport assessment and travel plan - where proposals are likely to have significant transport implications a transport assessment may be required and in some cases, a travel statement may be needed and a travel plan.

Tree assessment - when works to protected tree(s) are required to facilitate the development.

Residential conversions

The following information will be required

Always required

Application form
Biodiversity pro forma
Community infrastructure levy
 Drainage information (pdf / 71 KB)
Existing and proposed elevations
Existing and proposed floor plans
Location plan
Parking information - this relates to applications for hardstandings/garages/carports
Site block plan

Sometimes required - use the advisory text to see when required or use the criteria link

Affordable housing - all planning applications for residential development on sites of 15 dwellings/0.5ha in Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon, and sites of three dwellings/0.1ha elsewhere, are subject to Saved Policy H5 of the Harrogate and District Local Plan as amended 2004, which requires an element of affordable housing subject to financial viability.

Agricultural workers dwelling pro forma

Biodiversity metric and supporting documents - all major sites and small sites from 2 April.

Contamination risk assessment - all residential developments (houses, flats, nursing homes, etc), allotments, children's play areas, playing fields, mixed-use developments including vulnerable end uses, nurseries and creches and schools.

Coal mining risk assessment - all applications for new development within the Coal Authority's Coal Mining Referral Areas except reserved matters.

Design and access statement - major development, new buildings in the conservation area over 100m2 or World Heritage Site.

Extra care housing pro forma - planning applications for dwellings - where residents will live in individual apartments/flats, that is with cooking and cleaning facilities, but who receive care.

Flood risk assessment - planning applications for development proposals of 1ha or greater in Flood Zone 1. All proposals for new development, that are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3, or other areas where the Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Boards have indicated there may be drainage problems.

Marketing statement care homes - applications resulting in the loss of care homes unless documentary evidence is submitted showing that the previous elderly care home has been suitably replaced elsewhere. This could comprise more independent living accommodation such as extra care housing and Category 2 sheltered housing as well as traditional nursing and residential homes.

Marketing statement community facilities - proposal resulting in the loss of community facilities unless submitted with documentary evidence that the previous existing facility has been suitably replaced elsewhere.

Marketing statement hotels - loss of hotels with 30+ bedrooms unless documentary evidence is submitted to show that the loss of the hotel would have no significant adverse impact on the supply of visitor accommodation available in the area (for locations outside Harrogate town only).

Noise impact assessment - industrial or commercial uses near the residential property, new residential property near to transportation noise sources, new residential property near existing industrial or commercial premises where industrial noise is the dominant source, new entertainment premises near to residential property and new residential property near to places of entertainment.

Non-mains drainage assessment - applications proposing non-mains drainage to package sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, cess pools or if the development would add an additional 25 per cent* to the capacity of the existing systems.

Open space provision - applications for residential development.

Planning obligations draft heads of terms - for all major development or schemes where there are any off-site mitigation measures identified.

Planning statement - statement of community involvement - major developments within or adjoining residential areas, major departures from the Development Plan, EIA development, applications which require notification to the Secretary of State and other proposals that are likely to attract significant community interest.

Structural survey - applications for change of use and alterations of existing buildings outside a development limit as defined in the Harrogate and district local plan, listed buildings where the structural condition of the building requires it or it is to be converted to a new use.

Transport assessment and travel plan - where proposals are likely to have significant transport implications a transport assessment may be required and in some cases, a travel statement may be needed and a travel plan.

Tree assessment - when works to protected tree(s) are required to facilitate the development.


The following information will be required

Always required

Application form
Biodiversity pro forma
Community infrastructure levy
 Drainage information (pdf / 71 KB)
Existing and proposed elevations
Existing and proposed floor plans
Location plan
Parking information - this relates to applications for hardstandings/garages/carports.
Site block plan

Sometimes required - use the advisory text to see when required or use the criteria link

Biodiversity metric and supporting documents - all major sites and small sites from 2 April.

Contamination risk assessment - all residential developments (houses, flats, nursing homes etc.), allotments, children's play areas, playing fields, mixed-use developments including vulnerable end uses, nurseries and creches and schools.

Coal mining risk assessment - all applications for new development within the Coal Authority's Coal Mining Referral Areas - except reserved matters

Design and access statement - major development, new buildings in the conservation area over 100m2 or World Heritage Site.

Drainage strategy

Environmental impact assessment - major developments which are of more than local importance; developments which are proposed for particularly environmentally sensitive or vulnerable locations: developments with unusually complex and potentially hazardous environmental effects.

Flood risk assessment - planning applications for development proposals of 1ha or greater in Flood Zone 1. All proposals for new development, that are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3, or other areas where the Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Boards have indicated there may be drainage problems.

Fume extraction and ventilation - applications for restaurants, cafes and takeaways - A3/A4/A5 Uses, any other development to include a commercial kitchen such as a hotel.

Marketing statement care homes - applications resulting in the loss of care homes unless documentary evidence is submitted showing that the previous elderly care home has been suitably replaced elsewhere. This could comprise more independent living accommodation such as extra care housing and Category 2 sheltered housing as well as traditional nursing and residential homes.

Marketing statement community facilities - proposal resulting in the loss of community facilities unless submitted with documentary evidence that the previous existing facility has been suitably replaced elsewhere.

Marketing statement hotels - loss of hotels with 30+ bedrooms - unless documentary evidence is submitted to show that the loss of the hotel would have no significant adverse impact on the supply of visitor accommodation available in the area (for locations outside Harrogate town only).

Noise impact assessment - industrial or commercial uses near the residential property, new residential property near transportation noise sources, new residential property near existing industrial or commercial premises where industrial noise is the dominant source, new entertainment premises near to residential property and new residential property near to places of entertainment.

Non-mains drainage assessment - applications proposing non-mains drainage to package sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, cess pools or if the development would add an additional 25%* to the existing system's capacity.

Planning obligations draft heads of terms - for all major development or schemes where there are any off-site mitigation measures identified.

Planning statement - statement of community involvement - major developments within or adjoining residential areas, major departures from the Development Plan, EIA development, applications which require notification to the Secretary of State, other proposals that are likely to attract significant community interest

Retail impact assessment - all retail and leisure developments over 2500m2 gross floor space.

Structural survey - applications for change of use and alterations of existing buildings outside a development limit as defined in the Harrogate and District Local Plan, listed buildings where the structural condition of the building requires it or it is to be converted to a new use.

Sustainable construction and design - new build detached non-residential development (including outline applications where appearance and layout are considered, and reserved matters applications), non-residential conversion or extension of over 500m2, new build dwelling(s) (including outline applications where appearance and/or layout is considered, and reserved matters applications.

Transport assessment and travel plan - where proposals are likely to have significant transport implications a transport assessment may be required and in some cases, a travel statement may be needed and a travel plan.

Tree assessment - when works to protected tree(s) are required to facilitate the development.


The following information will be required

Always required

Application form
Biodiversity pro forma
 Drainage information (pdf / 71 KB)
Existing and proposed elevations
Existing and proposed floor plans
Location plan
Site block plan

Sometimes required - use the advisory text to see when required or use the criteria link

Biodiversity metric and supporting documents - all major sites and small sites from 2 April.

Coal mining risk assessment - all applications for new development within the Coal Authority's Coal Mining Referral Areas except reserved matters.

Design and access statement - major development, new buildings in the Conservation Area over 100m2 or World Heritage Site.

Drainage strategy

Flood risk assessment - planning applications for development proposals of 1ha or greater in Flood Zone 1. All proposals for new development, that are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3, or other areas where the Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Boards have indicated there may be drainage problems.

Noise impact assessment - industrial or commercial uses near the residential property, new residential property near transportation noise sources, new residential property near existing industrial or commercial premises where industrial noise is the dominant source, new entertainment premises near to residential property and new residential property near to places of entertainment.

Non-mains drainage assessment - applications proposing non-mains drainage to package sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, cess pools or if the development would add an additional 25%* to the capacity of the existing systems.


Planning statement - statement of community involvement - major developments within or adjoining residential areas, major departures from the Development Plan, EIA development, applications which require notification to the Secretary of State, other proposals that are likely to attract significant community interest

Tree assessment - when works to protected tree(s) are required to facilitate the development.


The following information will be required

Always required

Application form

Biodiversity pro forma

Existing and proposed elevations


Location plan

Site block plan

Telecommunication supporting information

Sometimes required - use the advisory text to see when required or use the criteria link

Coal mining risk assessment - all applications for new development within the Coal Authority's Coal Mining Referral Areas except reserved matters.

Design and access statement - major development, new buildings in the conservation area over 100m2 or World Heritage Site.

Environmental impact assessment - major developments which are of more than local importance; developments which are proposed for particularly environmentally sensitive or vulnerable locations: developments with unusually complex and potentially hazardous environmental effects.

Flood risk assessment - planning applications for development proposals of 1ha or greater in Flood Zone 1. All proposals for new development, that are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3, or other areas where the Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Boards have indicated there may be drainage problems.

Planning statement - statement of community involvement - major developments within or adjoining residential areas, major departures from the Development Plan, EIA development, applications which require notification to the Secretary of State, and other proposals that are likely to attract significant community interest.

Tree assessment - when works to protected tree(s) are required to facilitate the development.

Change of use

The following information will be required

Always required

Application form

Community Infrastructure Levy


Location plan

Sometimes required - use the advisory text to see when required or use the criteria link

Contamination risk assessment - all residential developments (houses, flats, nursing homes etc.), allotments, children's play areas, playing fields, mixed-use developments including vulnerable end uses, nurseries and creches and schools

Existing and proposed floor plans

Flood risk assessment- planning Applications for development proposals of 1ha or greater in Flood Zone 1. All proposals for new development, that are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3, or other areas where the Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Boards have indicated there may be drainage problems.

Fume extraction and ventilation - applications for Restaurants, cafes and takeaways - A3/A4/A5 Uses, Any other development to include a commercial kitchen such as a hotel.

Marketing statement care homes - applications resulting in the loss of care homes unless documentary evidence is submitted showing that the previous elderly care home has been suitably replaced elsewhere. This could comprise more independent living accommodation such as extra care housing and Category 2 sheltered housing as well as traditional nursing and residential homes.

Marketing statement community facilities - proposal resulting in the loss of community facilities unless submitted with documentary evidence that the previous existing facility has been suitably replaced elsewhere.

Marketing statement hotels - loss of hotels with 30+ bedrooms - unless documentary evidence is submitted to show that the loss of the hotel would have no significant adverse impact on the supply of visitor accommodation available in the area (for locations outside Harrogate town only).

Noise impact assessment - industrial or commercial uses near the residential property, new residential property near to transportation noise sources, new residential property near existing industrial or commercial premises where industrial noise is the dominant source, new entertainment premises near to residential property and new residential property near to places of entertainment.

Non-mains drainage assessment - applications proposing non-mains drainage to package sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, cess pools or if the development would add an additional 25%* to the existing system's capacity.

Open space provision - applications for residential development

Structural survey - applications for change of use and alterations of existing buildings outside a development limit as defined in the Harrogate and district local plan, listed buildings where the structural condition of the building requires it or it is to be converted to a new use.

Transport assessment and travel plan - where proposals are likely to have significant transport implications a transport assessment may be required and in some cases, a travel statement may be needed and a travel plan.

Advert consent

The following information will be required

Always required

Application form


Sometimes required - use the advisory text to see when required or use the criteria link

Existing and proposed elevations - photo montages will usually suffice

Location plan - if the sign is not on an existing building

Photo montages - to show the sign in its proposed location

Scaled details of the sign.

Site block plan - if the sign is not located on an existing building

Listed building consent

The following information will be required in the case of all listed building applications:

A written description of the extent of the proposed works and an explanation of why they are considered necessary or desirable (space for this is provided for in question 4 on the application form but a fuller explanation may often be necessary). A schedule of works to the listed building(s) and an analysis of the significance of archaeology, history and character of the building/structure, the principles of and justification for the proposed works and their impact on the significance (value of special interest) of the listed building or structure and its setting should be submitted. The impact on the setting of adjacent listed buildings may also be required. The scope and degree of detail necessary in the written justification will vary according to the particular circumstances of each application. Further advice can also be found in Planning Policy Statement 5, paragraphs HE 6.1 and HE 6.2 to 3.19 and paragraph HE 9.2.

A brief description of the historical development of the building, indicating as far as possible which parts are original and which are later additions. This should include any documentary evidence relating to the design, construction and development of the building and any other relevant information with regard to previous alterations and repairs. The 'list description', copies of which are obtainable from planning enquiries on request, may be helpful here.

design and access statement - other than for replacement consent.

The statement has to explain

  • the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the works
  • how the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the works take account of:

    the special architectural or historic importance of the building;

    the particular physical features of the building that justify its designation as a listed building; and

    the building's setting

  • how in respect of applications, which do not relate solely to the interior of a listed building, issues relating to access to the building have been dealt with. Specifically:

    explaining the policy that has been adopted as to access, including what alternative means of access have been considered, and how policies relating to access in relevant local development documents have been taken into account

    explaining how that access policy takes account of the special architectural or historic importance of the building, the particular physical features of the building that justify its designation as a listed building; and the building's setting

    stating what, if any, consultation has been undertaken on issues relating to access and what account has been taken of the outcome of any such consultation

    explaining how any specific issues which might affect access to the building have been addressed

Photographs of all elevations of the building (to convey its general character) and detailed photographs (internal or external) of those parts where alterations or extensions are proposed. If available, old photographs may be particularly valuable. Many drawings today are produced by CAD, which often fails to give any real idea of the character of the building concerned, and photographs are helpful in compensating for this technological shortcoming.

site plan, as existing, at a scale of 1:200 to show the building concerned and any other buildings on the site or immediately adjacent. This should indicate the nature of existing external surfaces, for example, stone paving or setts, concrete, gravel, grass, and boundary treatments, for example, walls, hedges, and fences.

A site plan, as proposed, at a scale of 1:200 to show the building concerned and any other buildings on the site or immediately adjacent, if the proposal involves demolition or extension of the principal building or any curtilage structure. Proposed external surfaces and boundary treatments, as well as any alterations proposed to the extent of the domestic curtilage, are principally matters for any accompanying planning application but are usefully shown as part of a listed building application as well.

Plans, elevations and sections of the building, as existing, to a scale of 1:50. These should be clearly annotated to show the general construction (for example, brick, stone, solid wall, cavity wall, stud partition, timber framing, etc.), the position of any section lines and any defective areas (for example, subsidence cracks).

Plans, elevations and sections of the building to show the alterations proposed, to a scale of 1:50. Details, for example, of doors or windows, should be shown to a larger scale of 1:10, 1:5 or 1:1, as appropriate, please note that large scale details for extensions to listed buildings may not be needed. The drawings should illustrate clearly the existing fabric, what is to be restored or altered, and what is new construction. (It is helpful if these can be indicated by hatching or colour.) The drawings should indicate how it is intended to overcome any problems affecting the structure or fabric of the building.

In the case of Grades I and II* and, exceptionally, some Grade II listed buildings, specific internal details at a scale of 1:10, 1:5 or 1:1 may be requested.

The following additional information will be needed where the structural condition of the building requires it or where the building is to be converted to a new use:

A building surveyor's or structural engineer's report and methodology statement, indicating on measured drawings of the building, as existing, any structural problems and a clear methodology for their rectification or alteration, including a proposed sequence of works and details of temporary works and propping.

Existing and proposed elevations

Existing and proposed floor plans

Heritage statement

Location plan

Sometimes required - use the advisory text to see when required or use the criteria link

Joinery details - details of, for example, doors and windows should be shown to a larger scale of 1:10, 1:5, or 1:1 as appropriate.

Structural survey - applications for change of use and alterations of existing buildings outside a Development Limit as defined in the Harrogate and District Local Plan, Listed Buildings where the structural condition of the building requires it or it is to be converted to a new use.

Non-material amendment

Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission

The following information will be required

Always required

Application form


Sometimes required

Existing and proposed elevations

Existing and proposed floor plans

Site block plan

Works to trees in Conservation Area

The following information will be required

Always required

Location plan - does not have to be an ordnance survey but must clearly show the location of the tree.

The following minimum information will be required:

Details of the location of the trees to which the notice relates (preferably by reference to a plan, which does not have to be an ordnance survey plan but must clearly show the location of the tree(s)

Your contact details

Information on the works to be proposed, that is, felling of 1 oak tree (T1)

Sometimes required:

Replanting information if applicable.

Whilst not legally required you can use an application form which you may find helpful.

If you are proposing crown lifting or pruning works, it is helpful if you can clearly indicate the amount, in percentage terms that you propose to reduce the tree by. Alternatively, you can annotate a drawing or photograph to show which branches are to be removed.

Photographs of the trees concerned.

Works to trees subject to TPO

The following information will be required

Always required

Application form

Location plan - does not have to be an ordnance survey but must clearly show the location of the tree.

Tree assessment

Prior notifications

The following procedures apply to the applications set out below for prior approval or change of use:

A1 shops A2 financial services to D2 assembly and leisure (PAL)

Agricultural building to residential (PBR)

Agricultural building to school/nursery (PBS)

Amusements/casino to residential (PCR)

Agricultural to flexible use (PNG)

B1 business to C3 dwellinghouse (PNH)

A1 shops A2 financial services to A3 restaurants and cafes (PSC)

A1 shops A2 financial services to residential (PSR)

Film making (PFM)

Click and collect (PNC)

School (PNS)

Toll collection (PTR)

Solar panels (PPV)

Agricultural development (PNA) and forestry development (PNF)

Telecommunications 56 days (PNT56)

Extensions to a dwellinghouse (PNX)

Demolition of a dwellinghouse or building(s) (PND)

A1 shops A2 financial services to D2 assembly and leisure (PAL)

School (PNS)

Toll collection (PTR)

Solar panels (PPV)

The application must be accompanied by:

  1. a written description of the proposed development or application form
  2. plans showing the proposed development
  3. location plan showing the proposed site
  4. the developer's contact details
  5. any fee required to be paid

A1 shops A2 financial services to A3 restaurants and cafes (PSC)

Click and collect (PNC)

The application must be accompanied by:

  1. a written description of the proposed development or application form, which must include any building or other operations allowed under that prior approval
  2. plans showing the proposed development
  3. location plan showing the proposed site
  4. the developer's contact details
  5. any fee required to be paid

Agricultural building to residential (PBR)

Amusements/casino to residential (PCR)

A1 shops A2 financial services to residential (PSR)

The application must be accompanied by:

  1. a written description of the proposed development or application form, which must include any building or other operations allowed under that prior approval
  2. plans showing the proposed development
  3. location plan showing the proposed site
  4. a site-specific flood risk assessment
  5. the developer's contact details
  6. any fee required to be paid

B1 business to C3 dwellinghouse (PNH)

Film making (PFM)

The application must be accompanied by:

  1. a written description of the proposed development or application form
  2. plans showing the proposed development
  3. location plan showing the proposed site
  4. a site-specific flood risk assessment
  5. the developer's contact details
  6. any fee required to be paid

Agricultural building to school/nursery (PBS)

Agricultural to flexible use (PNG)

The application must be accompanied by:

  1. a written description of the proposed development or application form, which must include any building or other operations allowed under that prior approval
  2. plans showing the proposed development
  3. location plan showing the proposed site
  4. a site-specific flood risk assessment*
  5. the developer's contact details
  6. any fee required to be paid


*The flood risk assessment applies to proposed developments (a) In an area within Flood Zone 2 or Flood Zone 3; or (b) In an area within Flood Zone 1 which has critical drainage problems and which has been notified to the Local Planning Authority by the Environment Agency.

Agricultural development (PNA) and forestry development (PNF)

The application must be accompanied by:

  1. a written description of the proposed development or application form
  2. location plan showing the proposed site
  3. the materials to be used
  4. any fee required to be paid

Telecommunications 56 days (PNT56)

The application must be accompanied by:

  1. a written description of the proposed development
  2. location plan showing the proposed site
  3. plans showing the proposed development
  4. any fee required to be paid
  5. the developer's contact details
  6. a notice of development*
  7. a notification of the proposal**


* The developer must give notice of the proposed development to any person (other than the developer) who is an owner of the land to which the development relates, or a tenant, before making the application.

** Where the proposed development consists of the installation of a mast within 3 kilometres of the perimeter of an aerodrome, the developer must notify the Civil Aviation Authority, the Secretary of State for Defence or the aerodrome operator, as appropriate, before making the application.

Extensions to a dwellinghouse (PNX)

The application must be accompanied by:

  1. a written description of the proposed development or application form including-
    1. how far the enlarged part of the dwellinghouse extends beyond the rear wall of the original dwellinghouse
    2. the maximum height of the enlarged part of the dwellinghouse; and
    3. the height of the eaves of the enlarged part of the dwellinghouse
  2. location plan showing the proposed site
  3. plans showing the proposed development
  4. the addresses of any adjoining premises
  5. the developer's contact details
  6. from 19 August, the appropriate fee

Demolition of a dwellinghouse or building(s) (PND)

The application must be accompanied by:

  1. a full address of the proposed building(s);
  2. a written description of the proposed development or application form to outline how the building is to be demolished and any proposed restoration of the site;
  3. location plan showing the proposed site;
  4. a site notice statement*
  5. any fee required to be paid


* The application requires the applicant or agent to erect a site notice for no less than 21 days in the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which the application was submitted to the Local Planning Authority.

Following this, a statement will need to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority with a description of where the site notice was put, the date it was erected and a copy of the  site notice (pdf / 19 KB).

Demolition of unlisted building within conservation area

Demolition of unlisted buildings within a conservation area

Demolition within conservation area planning application form

For the demolition of unlisted buildings within a conservation area where no redevelopment is proposed. Submit four copies. No fee is required.

Application form for planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area.

Sometimes required

Help regarding the application for planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area.

Related information

If you wish to check the general boundary of the conservation area go to our conservation area publications page.

Hedgerow removal


Hedgerow removal notice

Submit 4 copies. No fee is required.

Application form for hedgerow removal notice

Help on the application for hedgerow removal notice

High hedges complaint

Submit 1 copy. Fee £416

 High hedges complaint form (pdf / 432 KB)

Related information

To find out if trees are protected you can:

Stopping up of diversion of a Public Footpath or Bridleway

Section 257 Stopping up/diversion of footpaths/bridleways

Costs apply - please contact us for details.

 Application form (pdf / 150 KB)

Hazardous substances consent

New application

 Consent form one (pdf / 24 KB) - new application

Please ensure that you send us the following relevant information:

  • a site map (the site map shall be a map reproduced from, or based upon, an Ordnance Survey map with a scale of not less than 1 to 10,000 which identifies the land to which the application relates and shows National Grid lines and reference numbers). The map must show the location of the site in relation to the surrounding population
  • substance location plan clearly showing the location of the hazardous substances on site. (tables B, and C or/and D of the form should be completed to indicate location and storage details). The substance location plan shall be a plan of the land to which the application relates, drawn to a scale of not less than 1 to 2,500 which identifies
    • any area of the site intended to be used for the storage of the substance;
    • where the substance is to be used in manufacturing, treatment or other industrial processes, the location of the major items of plant involved in that process in which the substance will be present; and
    • access points to and from the land

Change of location or control

 Consent form two (pdf / 77 KB) - change of location or control

  • where relevant to a change, a change of location/control plan and particulars of the relevant consent
  • a change of location plan shall identify the location of the hazardous substance at the date of the application for the change, and the proposed location requiring the application
  • the change of control plan shall identify each area of the site under separate control after the proposed change of control
  • particulars of the relevant consent shall be a copy of the consent or relevant claim or relevant direction (as appropriate)

Additional detail

  • the application form should include the applicant's full address
  • full site address including postcode or grid reference
  • ensure table A is completed with names or categories of substances and quantities

If you are making your application in one of the following formats please refer as appropriate

Outline and reserved matters

Outline: all matters reserved

Always required

Application form
Biodiversity pro forma
Community Infrastructure Levy
Location plan

Sometimes required - use the advisory text to see when required or use the criteria link

Affordable housing - all planning applications for residential development on sites of 15 dwellings/0.5ha in Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon, and sites of 3 dwellings/0.1ha elsewhere, are subject to Saved Policy H5 of the Harrogate and District Local Plan as amended 2004, which requires an element of affordable housing subject to financial viability.

Biodiversity metric and supporting documents - all major sites and small sites from 2 April.

Contamination risk assessment - all residential developments (houses, flats, nursing homes etc.), allotments, children's play areas, playing fields, mixed-use developments including vulnerable end uses, nurseries and creches, and schools.

 Drainage information (pdf / 71 KB)

Flood risk assessment - planning applications for development proposals of 1ha or greater in Flood Zone 1. All proposals for new development, that are located in Flood Zones 2 and 3, or other areas where the Environment Agency, and Internal Drainage Boards have indicated there may be drainage problems.

Planning obligations draft heads of terms - for all major development or schemes where there are any off-site mitigation measures identified.

Site block plan

Outline: some matters reserved

Always required

Application form
Biodiversity pro forma
Location plan

Information regarding the matters that have not been reserved

Criteria for individual matters

Layout: site block plan
Scale: Statement or indicative plan
Appearance: existing and proposed elevationsdesign and access statement
Landscape: landscaping scheme
Access: site block plan

Outline planning permission

National requirement

Types of application and criteria

Outline planning applications

Guidance and links to further information

  • use - the use or uses proposed for the development and any distinct development zones within the site identified
  • amount of development - the amount proposed for each use
  • indicative access points - an area or areas in which the access point or points will be situated (where these matters are reserved for subsequent approval)

Engineering operations

Discharge of conditions

Always required

Application form
Details required by the condition

Sometimes required

Biodiversity net gain

Removal or variation of conditions

Always required

Application form

Sometimes required

Biodiversity net gain

Lawful development certificate for existing development

Lawful development certificate for existing development

Always required

Application form


Location plan

Supporting evidence for example affidavits, historic photos, utility bills/official documents.

Guidance and links to further information

Lawful development certificates

Lawful development certificate for proposed development

Lawful development certificate for the proposed development

Always needed

Application form

Biodiversity pro forma

Existing and proposed elevations

Existing and proposed floor plans


Location plan

Site block plan

Guidance and links to further information

Lawful development certificates

Permission in principle

Permission in principle is an alternative way of obtaining planning permission for housing-led development. It separates the consideration of matters of principle for the proposed development from the technical detail of the development. Find out more about permission in principle on the government's website

Always required

Form - at present an online application can not be made. Please use the permission in principle form.


Location plan

Technical details consent (in relation to a PIP)

Find out more about permission in principle on the government's website.

Following the granting of Permission in Principle (PIP) an application for technical details Consent can be made, validation requirements are the same as for a planning application so please refer to the relevant development type.

You must make reference to the PIP application number in your submission.

We have also put together a quick and  easy to use matrix (pdf / 153 KB) showing the requirements for development type. The document lists the different types of developments, and when information is either always, sometimes or never required.