Community infrastructure levy

The community infrastructure levy (CIL) is a standard, non-negotiable charge applicable to developments where there is a net increase of 100 square metres of floor space or the creation of one or more dwellings.

The  Harrogate District Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (pdf / 11 MB), which details the tariff rates, was formally approved by the full council on 8 July 2020 and came into force on 1 October 2020. Applications determined on or after 1 October will be liable for CIL except for those valid applications in the system on 8 July 2020 which will be exempt (regardless of the determination date).

The introduction of the levy means that additional information is required on the submission of a planning application to determine whether a charge is due and to determine the amount. Applicants are therefore required to submit a CIL Form 1: Additional information along with the planning application which can be done through the Planning Portal.

A full guidance document (Harrogate CIL guidance and FAQs) detailing the full process and all the requirements of the applicant and ourselves can be viewed below, along with a number of other important documents:

Community infrastructure levy reporting

Information relating to the operation of the CIL is published annually alongside information relating to planning obligations (commonly referred to as Section 106 or S106 agreements) in the infrastructure funding statement (IFS). Further information is available on the infrastructure funding statement page.

This page forms the main source of information regarding the CIL Examination. The information should be read alongside the submission and supporting documents.


Jameson Bridgwater has been appointed to conduct the examination to determine whether the charging schedule is sound.

Programme Officer

An independent Programme Officer, Liz Sheard, has been appointed to assist the independent Inspector through the examination. She is responsible for all procedural matters of the examination and all future correspondence with respondents to the CIL regarding the examination will be via her.

Contact us

Draft Charging Schedule submission for examination

The Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule was submitted for examination on Friday 16 August 2019.

Full details are contained within the  Notice of Submission Statement (pdf / 46 KB).

Draft Charging Schedule Submission documents

The Submission Draft Charging Schedule and supporting documents are available to view below:

 Submission Draft Charging Schedule August 2019 (pdf / 3 MB)

 Draft Charging Schedule January 2019 (pdf / 2 MB)

 CIL Viability Assessment January 2019 (pdf / 1015 KB)

 Regulation 19b Consultation Statement and Key Issues: August 2019 (pdf / 1 MB)

 Consultation responses (pdf / 6 MB)

Supporting documents relevant to the preparation of the Draft Charging Schedule:

 Whole Plan Viability Study, October 2016 (pdf / 8 MB)

 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule May 2018 (pdf / 1 MB)

 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule Key Issues January 2019 (pdf / 616 KB)

 Planning Obligations Evidence Tables May 2018 (pdf / 1 MB)

All representations submitted during the publication consultation have been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate (including any attachments and supplementary reports). These are available to view on the consultation portal or from the list above.

Hard copies of the submission documents will also be available for inspection at the following locations:

  • Civic Centre, St Luke's Mount, Harrogate, HG1 2AE. Opening hours 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursdays and 8.30am to 4.30pm on Fridays
  • Knaresborough Library, Marketplace, Knaresborough, HG58AG
  • Ripon Library, The Arcade, Ripon, HG4 1AG
  • Nidderdale Plus community library, Station Square, Pateley Bridge

    HG3 5AT
  • Mashamshire community library, Little Market Place, Masham, HG4 4DY
  • Harrogate Library, Victoria Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 1EG
  • Boroughbridge Library, 17 St James Square, Boroughbridge, York YO51 9AR

Openings times for the libraries can be found on our libraries page.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows councils to raise funds from developers undertaking new building projects in the district. The money can be used to fund infrastructure projects such as schools, open space, flood defences and transport improvements that are needed to support development.

Charging authorities set out the CIL rates in a charging schedule. CIL rates are expressed in pounds per square metre and will be levied against most new development. The council must set CIL rates based on evidence of the viability of different types of development and produce a charging schedule that is subject to an independent examination.

Preparation of a charging schedule is undertaken in three stages:

  1. Preparation and consultation on a Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (PDCS)
  2. Revision of the PDCS and consultation on a Draft Charging Schedule and
  3. Examination in public of the Draft Charging Schedule and receipt of a binding inspector's report

Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule consultation.

A six week consultation on the Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (PDCS) ran from 26 May to 6 July 2018. The consultation documents can be viewed from the links below

 Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule 2018 (pdf / 1 MB)

 Zone 2 Ripon map (pdf / 3 MB)