National requirement
Information required
Application form
Please supply one copy.
Types of application and criteria
All applications
The simplest way to submit an application is online via the Planning Portal. Registration is easy and you can complete your application form, upload supporting documents and pay fees online.
The benefits of applying online include:
- you can work on your application in draft before submission
- immediate delivery and acknowledgement
- savings on postage and printing costs
- online help function when completing your application
Guidance and links to further information
Use the Planning Portal to submit your application online.
If you need a paper form you can download it as required. The Planning Portal has a step by step guide to help you pick the right form.
All sections and questions must be answered.
The declaration must be signed and dated.
Provide full contact details of the applicant and/or agent (where appropriate).
Ownership certificate
National requirement
Information required
If Certificate B or C applies please use the owner notification form (pdf / 166 KB)
1 copy if submitted electronically
Types of application and criteria
All applications
Except for:
- applications for Lawful Development Certificates (existing or proposed)
- reserved matters applications
- advertisements
- tree works
- prior notifications
Guidance and links to further information
Certificate A if the applicant is the sole owner of the site or you have a leasehold* interest which has at least 7 years to run and the site is not part of an agricultural holding**.
Certificate B if the applicant is not the owner of the site (or only owns part) and the applicant knows who owns the site (or the other parts) or there is an agricultural tenant on any part of the land/building.
Certificate C if there is more than one owner and the applicant knows some but not all of the owners of the site.
Certificate D if the applicant does not know any owners of the site.
*Long leaseholders (with more than 7 years remaining) are treated as owners and should complete Certificate A.
**Agricultural holding has the meaning derived from the definition of agricultural tenant in section 65(8) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Note: By law, you must notify all people who have an interest in the site. This is necessary even when only a small part of your building such as guttering or foundations goes over the boundary of the application land.
Neighbour notification
We urge applicants or their agents to notify neighbours about their proposed development and that a planning application has been submitted. You and your neighbours can then discuss the proposal together or, if they feel it necessary, they may make representations in writing to the Borough Council.
- List your neighbours' addresses. The council regards a 'neighbour' as "any property (residential or otherwise) which has a boundary adjoining or within 4.0 metres of the application site". Where a road or footpath falls within a distance of 4.0 metres, the width of the road or footpath should be disregarded. Where different floors of a building have different occupants (for example, flats) each one should be notified where it adjoins or is within 4.0 metres
- Return the completed neighbour notification certificate (pdf / 254 KB)
Complete the notice to neighbours for each of the neighbours you have listed on the certificate and then give the notice to the neighbour or post it to them first-class - it is important that you do not send the notices to your neighbour until the application has been received by us. You must anticipate this and date the certificate and notice accordingly