An email size limit of 15MB applies.
See guidance on reducing file sizes from the Planning Portal.
If you do need to send large files we can only accept them via our Send Secure service.
Much time is taken dealing with planning applications that are invalid as they have been submitted without all of the required information.
Before you submit your application you should refer to the local validation criteria which explains what information is needed at the start of the planning process to help us register your application.
A planning application cannot be progressed until all the necessary supporting information and the appropriate fee is received.
It may be worth considering applying for some pre-application advice. This service aims to take some of the uncertainty out of the planning process and offers you constructive and without prejudice advice on the likelihood of your proposal receiving planning permission.
Using the Planning Portal you can complete your application form, most types of forms are available, attach supporting documents and pay your fee online saving you the cost of printing and postage.
You will need to ensure that you are registered and logged in with the Planning Portal. Once logged in, start an online application and follow the onscreen step-by-step process.
If you prefer, you can complete your application form and pay your fee online and then submit supporting documents by post, quoting your Planning Portal application number.
Application forms can be printed from the Planning Portal and posted, along with any other supporting information.
Please be aware that the pdf/paper versions of the online planning application forms are only intended to be printed off and completed by hand.
Planning application documents are published on our website, however before publishing, we are required by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), related legislation and best practise to remove 'personal information'.
The following information is asked for on an application form:
We will endeavour to remove this personal information before publishing.
There are occasions when other personal information is submitted within supporting documents, this personal information can include:
Even if the applicant, or a person making comments on an application, wants the personal information to be published online, we must endeavour to remove it.
Therefore when submitting an application or comments please can you make sure that the above personal information is only submitted if it is a planning consideration, for example, financial information which may support a change of use application from a business to a dwelling to show that a business is not viable or information to show that a fee is not required as the proposed development is for the sole use of a disabled person. We will endeavour to make sure this information is not published online.
If you submit personal information as set out above please can you ensure that it is either referred to in a covering letter - or contained within a separate document to aid identification and removal from the documents which will be published online.
There is a charge of £90 for written responses to planning enquiries.
We only require one copy of the forms and supporting information. This is different from what is stated in the legislation.
An email size limit of 15MB applies.
See guidance on reducing file sizes from the Planning Portal.
If you do need to send large files we can only accept them via our Send Secure service.
Whilst we are unable to recommend any architects, surveyors, builders, or other tradesmen, applicants may find the Architects Registration Board's register of architects of use.
To apply for a permitted development check only:
Many house extensions, alterations and outbuildings do not require planning permission from us. Please see the guidance on the Planning Portal and the do I need planning permission page.
We offer a householder planning check service and will tell you what permissions are needed for your project. This will cover any requirements for building regulation approval, listed building consent, conservation area consent and approvals for tree works as well as planning permission.
It makes good sense for you to do this:
Most additions and alterations to flats will need planning permission but you may use this form to see if any other consent is needed.
The householder planning check service will inform you whether permissions are required. If you would like a pre-application assessment of your project which will tell you whether you are likely to get planning permission please see pre-application advice. This is a separate chargeable service.
What you will need to provide:
Removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission form
Removal or variation of a condition following grant of planning permission help
Approval of reserved matters following outline approval form
Approval of reserved matters following outline approval help
Modification or discharge of planning obligation form (pdf / 714 KB)
Notice under Article 11 if required form (pdf / 166 KB)
To be served by the applicant on an owner or tenant of the land.
Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission. Please submit one copy. Fee required. Please submit a copy of the original approved plan and a proposed amended plan.
Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission form
Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission help
Application for a non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission guidance
Discharge of planning conditions form
Discharge of planning conditions help
List of samples form (pdf / 69 KB)
Application for extension to the time limits for implementing planning permission and associated listed building and/or conservation area consent. Please submit one copy. Fee required
and if applicable design and access statement
A statement to explain the process which has led to the development proposal and to justify its design in a structured way
Notice under Article 11 if required
Notice under Article 11 form (pdf / 166 KB)
To be served by the applicant on an owner or tenant of land covered by listed building applications.
For the demolition of unlisted buildings within a conservation area where no redevelopment is proposed. Please submit one copy. No fee is required.
Planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area form
Planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area help
Related information
If you wish to check the general boundary of the conservation area please visit our conservation areas publications page. The pdf files here each contain a map showing the conservation area boundary.
Hedgerow removal notice
Please submit one copy. No fee is required.
High hedges complaint
Submit one copy. Fee £416
High hedges complaint form (pdf / 432 KB)
To find out if trees are protected you can:
Please submit one copy. Fee required
Application for a certificate of lawfulness for existing use or operation or activity in breach of a planning condition. Please submit one copy. Fee required.
Application for a certificate of lawfulness for a proposed use or development. Please submit one copy. Fee required.
Application for a certificate of lawfulness for a proposed use or development form
Application for a certificate of lawfulness for a proposed use or development help
A users guide to lawful development certificates produced by the DCLG.
Section 257 Stopping up/diversion of footpaths/bridleways
Costs apply - please contact us for details.
Section 257 Stopping up/diversion of footpaths/bridleways form (pdf / 150 KB)
Hazardous substances consent form one (pdf / 24 KB) - new application
Please ensure that you send us the following relevant information:
Change of location or control
Hazardous substances consent form two (pdf / 77 KB) - change of location or control
Additional detail