Do I need planning permission in the Harrogate area?

We offer a householder planning check service and will tell you what permissions are needed for your project. This will cover any requirements for building regulation approval, listed building consent, conservation area consent and approvals for tree works as well as planning permission.

It makes good sense for you to do this:

  • for your own peace of mind
  • for record purposes when selling your property
  • when raising finance on your property
  • to show anyone who questions your right to build

Most additions and alterations to flats will need planning permission but you may use this form to see if any other consent is needed.

What you will need to provide:

  • complete the form below, which will require a full description of your proposal, often measurements are required so please make sure you have these to hand when completing this form
  • a fee of £90 which can be paid online, or if using the online form, you will have the option to make the payment at the end of the process. Please make a note of your payment reference number if submitting your form via email to allow us to match your application and payment more easily
  • a sketch or plan of your proposal is helpful, this does not have to be to scale but does need to be annotated with proposed measurements. Further information can be found when completing the forms

Apply online

Pay online 

 Householder planning check (pdf / 786 KB)

Information which will help you understand the planning process.

How we look after your information once submitted to us

A householder planning check will not be published on our website, and personal information is held and processed in line with our privacy policy. However, they are subject to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

These provide the public access to information held by public authorities that may not be currently in the public domain and is subject to the public interest test. As the information on work that has taken place under permitted development is deemed to always be in the public interest. If a request to see this information is received, we will disclose the information provided with the submission to the requestor. Any personal information is removed before disclosure as this is protected under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). If you have any concerns about this information being released in future, you must include this as part of your submission but we cannot guarantee that this would mean the information is not released in future.

Full details on how we process personal data can be found in our privacy notice.

Non householder development

For non-householder development, you can find advice for adverts and signs, solar panels, warehouses and industrial buildings on the Planning Portal.

Guidance for common projects

The Planning Portal will give you guidance for many common projects.

Trees and garden hedges

Find out about trees and garden hedges.

Written responses to enquiries

There will be a charge of £90 for written responses to planning enquiries.

This may include, but is not limited to, enquiries about non-householder permitted development, queries about signage and queries about whether planning permission would be required.

If you would like more information, you can contact us.