Development Plan Document Examination latest news

This page will detail all updates and the latest news about the new settlement (Maltkiln) development plan document examination including process, timetable and other relevant information. All updates to the examination library including all documents, statements and other relevant correspondence issued after the submission of the new settlement (Maltkiln) development plan document to the Secretary of State on 28 March 2024 can be found on the development plan document examination library page here.

Examination stage and inspector appointment - May 2024

On 28 March 2024, the new settlement (Maltkiln) development plan document was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, in order for it to commence its independent examination. The submission of the development plan document means that the local plan is now in its ‘examination’ stage. The appointed inspector will examine the local plan to establish whether it is ‘sound’, taking into account all the representations received. The inspector appointed to examine the development plan document is Clive Coyne, BA (Hons) DipTP MRTPI.