Planning enforcement for Harrogate

This service is delivered differently in each area of the county. This information relates to the former district of Harrogate. Looking for information in another area of the county? You can change the location here.

The planning system respects people's freedom to use or alter their property as they wish, within certain rules.

How we apply these rules is detailed in our  local enforcement plan (pdf / 619 KB).

Our planning enforcement team provides an investigation service when it is alleged the rules are not being followed.

What we can investigate

  • the erection, extension, alteration or demolition of buildings
  • changes of use of land or buildings
  • advertising signs
  • works to trees protected by tree preservation orders
  • works to trees in conservation areas
  • hedges in the countryside
  • works on listed buildings
  • breaches of planning permission conditions

What we can't investigate

  • abandoned vehicles
  • dangerous structures
  • development on highways/pavements
  • fly-tipping
  • land boundaries or ownership disputes
  • neighbour disputes
  • smells, noise and pollution
  • works to party walls

Before you ask us to investigate any possible unauthorised development, use the Public Access database to check if the development has planning permission, or if it has conditions attached.

You can complete our online form to report unauthorised development and ask us to investigate. Your name won't be disclosed but there will be times when the source of the complaint is apparent to those involved.

Enforcement enquiries form

Enforcement register

You can check the register of notices to see where enforcement action has been taken.

Planning enquiries form