Newlyweds Simon and Sophie Brewster got an extra surprise when they became one of the first couples to be married under the new North Yorkshire Council banner.
The Ministry of Defence at Catterick Garrison has handed over a plaque to mark the launch of North Yorkshire Council with a pledge to foster a close working partnership with the new authority.
A streamlined approach to improving housing conditions and tackling rogue landlords is being introduced across North Yorkshire after £1.4 million in funding has been secured from the Government.
The launch of a new council for North Yorkshire this weekend will help protect public services for hundreds of thousands of people during a period of unprecedented financial challenges.
Residents and visitors to a picturesque village that is a prime destination for tourists will receive an environmentally-friendly boost through an initiative by Brierley Homes.
The Easter bank holiday will mean only minimal changes to services after a new council launches to cover the whole of North Yorkshire, residents have been assured.