Children and young people in North Yorkshire with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are set to benefit from a £20 million investment towards the development of additional educational services.
A new county-wide strategy is to be adopted in a bid to make electric vehicle charging available to all, despite the challenges posed by North Yorkshire’s vast rural areas.
Homes in some of the most rural parts of North Yorkshire are benefiting from superfast broadband connections as an ambitious project spanning more than a decade is entering its final stages.
Whitby residents will be serving and volleying in time for Wimbledon after their local tennis courts re-opened after more than a decade following a restoration as part of a £730,000 investment project.
A six-week consultation on a neighbourhood plan which will guide all future developments in the Pannal and Burn Bridge area near Harrogate is under way.
A proposal to amalgamate two schools in North Yorkshire to ensure the “best education” for pupils amid falling numbers of students with major savings used to widen the curriculum, has been given the go-ahead.
A farmer has been banned from keeping livestock after an investigation by North Yorkshire Trading Standards officers revealed appalling neglect and suffering.