A consultation about the proposed selective licensing of privately rented properties in parts of Scarborough starts today (1 September) as we look to protect tenants by improving the standard of accommodation on offer.
A scheme that provides new homes for unwanted laptops and other devices is proving a lifeline for residents who might not otherwise be able to get online.
Craven Leisure in Skipton is benefitting from renewable energy and reduced water heating costs thanks to the switch-on of solar panels and an air source heat pump.
An increased focus on the role research plays in improving the lives of residents and the public health and social care services they receive has led to recognition for us.
Residents are being encouraged to comment on the rules for walking dogs at coastal locations to promote responsible ownership and ensure a safe environment.
Millions of pounds in taxpayers’ money is expected to be saved in the first year of North Yorkshire Council as services are brought together to realise the benefits of the biggest overhaul of local democracy in nearly 50 years.