Merger of schools will provide ‘greater stability’ for pupils

: Wavell Community Junior School and Wavell Community Infant School

Two primary schools in North Yorkshire will merge after Easter next year, creating an “exciting educational establishment fit for future generations”.

Today (Tuesday, 17 October), executive member for education, learning and skills, Cllr Annabel Wilkinson, gave the green light to combine Wavell Community Junior School and Wavell Community Infant School to form one single school from April next year, accommodating children aged three to 11.

Both schools currently serve the same catchment area in the north of Catterick Garrison and the infant and junior schools have neighbouring buildings on one site. Wavell Federation’s governors had agreed that amalgamating the schools to create an all-through primary school was the next logical step to take.

With a capacity of 420 places, the single primary school would continue to work across the existing buildings of both current schools.

A six-week consultation carried out earlier in the summer outlined how the proposal would provide greater stability and ensure the amalgamated school can maintain the best possible environment in which pupils can learn and fulfil their potential.

A public meeting was held during the consultation and a significant majority of respondents supported the proposal. 

Cllr Wilkinson said: “I am delighted to share this incredibly exciting news.

“The amalgamation is a sensible way forward and will bring together the identities and strengths of both schools, enabling them to make the best use of the staff expertise and provide an educational establishment fit for future generations.

“We, as a council, are keen to support the school leaders and governors to provide greater stability and we understand that the amalgamated school would not only deliver a smoother transition between Key Stages, but it would also help to ensure that the good progress currently made by children is maintained.”

The schools are set to amalgamate from April 8 next year and will be called Wavell Community Primary School.