Heavy snow, widespread ice, and torrential downpours have created treacherous conditions across North Yorkshire, posing a test for our essential services.
Families will be given greater access to the most relevant parenting support whenever they need it through an innovative new project that we have launched.
A scheme worth more than £1 million to restore one of Whitby’s most recognisable buildings and bring it back into public use is due to begin next month.
An art trail that weaves its way through the heart of a North Yorkshire town is about to gain an exciting new addition highlighting an often-overlooked chapter of its history.
A community football team in North Yorkshire is showing off its impressive footwork thanks to a council cash boost of more than £1,000 towards the purchase of new goal posts.
Households and businesses in North Yorkshire’s deeply rural communities which are blighted by poor internet connections have been assured that the Government will be petitioned to ensure that they are given access to better broadband links.
Swimmers have revealed how their wellbeing has transformed since four North Yorkshire leisure centres have enabled better support for people with long-term health conditions.
Army Cadets in North Yorkshire have been celebrating their success at a recent competition thanks in part to new funding that enabled the purchase of vital training equipment.