Residents across North Yorkshire could benefit from a more environmentally-friendly waste and recycling service which will also save taxpayers’ money under plans set to be approved by councillors.
Plans to launch a multi-million pound development to place Whitby at the forefront of the maritime and offshore renewable energy sectors and help to boost job opportunities for local communities are set to be considered by councillors.
Taxpayers have been warned that we have been handed one of the worst funding settlements in the country by the government that has left a £5 million deficit in our new budget.
Teams are continuing their concerted effort throughout the weekend to ensure the county can keep on the move amid freezing temperatures and treacherous conditions which have affected communities this week.
A wide-ranging and co-ordinated effort is continuing to ensure that North Yorkshire is kept on the move during the most extreme weather conditions in seven years.
Thousands of streetlights are set to be upgraded across North Yorkshire in a bid to save about £300,000 in annual energy costs, help the environment and protect the dark skies.
Specialist care for older and disabled people in North Yorkshire is set to be transformed with a multi-million pound investment in pioneering new hubs that are due to be built over the next few years.