Films from five internationally acclaimed artists, including Trigger Point actress Manjinder Virk, are featuring in a new exhibition which has opened in Harrogate.
Residents across North Yorkshire are being urged to check that they are registered to vote at their address or risk losing the chance to have their say on decisions that affect them.
Plans have been submitted for a housing scheme that would see a former care home converted into apartments to help meet demand for affordable homes in a North Yorkshire market town.
People in North Yorkshire are being encouraged to take advantage of a simple free blood pressure check that could bring to light the risk of conditions that cause 160 deaths in the county each month.
Residents have just two weeks left to share their views about household rubbish and recycling in a survey which will shape future changes to North Yorkshire's recycling collection service.
A new sport and active wellbeing service has been launched today (Monday) as the Selby and Tadcaster leisure centres open under the newly-formed Active North Yorkshire.