A drive to keep local talent in North Yorkshire has seen one of the county’s most successful home-grown businesses place young people at the heart of its operations.
Landlords in the private sector are to be given free advice in a series of courses which start this month and are aimed at improving the quality of properties across North Yorkshire.
Striking and fun images celebrating the diversity of older people’s lives and the contributions they make to society are set to tour venues across North Yorkshire.
Diners in the Selby area are being given the chance to find new culinary experiences through a major campaign aimed at boosting North Yorkshire’s hospitality trade.
Rural communities are set to benefit with the re-opening of a Grade II listed bridge in the North York Moors as temporary repairs will begin this month following a bus crash which severely damaged the crossing.
More than 200,000 households and businesses have benefited from one of the most ambitious broadband projects in the country which has seen in excess of £100 million invested in superfast internet connections during the past decade.
One of Britain’s top BMX riders has spoken of his pride at seeing a major event being staged in the town where he was born which will see thrill-seekers flock to North Yorkshire’s coast.
School children across North Yorkshire are being given the opportunity to sample some of the healthiest and nutritious meals in the country after the county’s service has been recognised nationally.