Policy for provision of school transport in severe weather

Advice for parents, contractors, schools

In periods of bad weather it is necessary to take extra precautions to ensure that the safety of pupils is not compromised. It is not possible to provide precise instructions to cover every eventuality; the following notes reflect “good practice” which should, if followed, ensure children’s safety.


  1. Please remember that there may be occasions when it is not possible to operate the morning school transport journey, or the journey may operate late. You must ensure that your child can be safely looked after if there are problems. Please remember that you are responsible for their safety until they have got on the school bus or taxi. If the morning school transport journey does not operate and you decide to take your own children then you must also be prepared to collect them at the end of the school day.
  2. There may be circumstances when the Head teacher decides it is necessary for children to be sent home from school early. In the case of primary school children it is essential that the school is able to contact you or a nominated responsible person at short notice. Please make sure that the school has up‐to‐date contact information. In the case of secondary school children please make sure that they can be looked after safely and that they are aware of what the arrangements are.  
  3. There may be rare circumstances where the transport is not able to operate the afternoon journey, in which case you will be contacted by the school.

Contractors and drivers

  1. Children’s safety is of paramount importance. Before starting a morning journey, check the prevailing weather conditions for the area in which you operate. You must satisfy yourself that it is safe to operate.
  2. It is essential for drivers to have a mobile phone or radio available.
  3. Make sure that all drivers are aware of emergency contact numbers for your base, schools and Integrated Passenger Transport. If there are problems the school and IPT must be told immediately.
  4. If you are unable to complete the route it is sensible to take children home. You must make sure that they are properly supervised before you leave them. If you have any doubts then keep the children with you and contact either the school or IPT straight away. You should advise the school as soon as possible that children will not be attending.
  5. If weather conditions are poor on a morning it is wise to ensure that there is a responsible person at the school to receive the children before you depart.
  6. If you provide a connecting service do not leave children unsupervised unless you are sure that the service onto which they will connect is also operating. In some cases waiting longer for the connecting service will affect other school journeys normally operated by the same vehicle. In these circumstances you should aim to contact the parents of those children whose journey will be delayed, or IPT if this is not possible.
  7. You should continue to monitor the weather during the day. If the weather deteriorates you may decide it is necessary for you to provide transport before the normal time. You must liaise with the school and agree an appropriate course of action with them. Please remember that the final decision rests with the head teacher. Where a service carries students from more than one school it is your responsibility to ensure that each school is aware of what is proposed.


  1. You may decide that in the interests of safety it is appropriate to send pupils home early. You may also be contacted by one or more operators suggesting that an early departure is advisable. You may wish to take account of these representations in determining an appropriate course of action.
  2. If you decide to send children home early you must contact the contractors who serve your school. Please make sure that you include all feeder services. If any contractors are unwilling or unable to comply with your request for an earlier departure contact IPT who will do what they can to help.
  3. In the case of primary school children, you must make sure that there will be a responsible adult available to supervise them. If children need to be taken to an alternative location then this will be arranged within reason. If in doubt keep the child or children concerned at school and separate arrangements will be made by IPT.
  4. In the case of secondary school children it is likely to be impractical to contact all parents. You must however be satisfied that no child will be put at risk as a result of an early departure. As with primary school children alternative arrangements can be made by IPT.

Integrated Passenger Transport

Integrated Passenger Transport will provide support, advice and assistance to ensure that all children are transported home safely.

Contact us

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Integrated Passenger Transport,

County Hall,



Further information on home to school transport can be found on our school and college transport pages.

Our Customer Service Centre is open Monday to Friday 8.00am - 5.30pm (closed weekends and bank holidays).

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