13 January 2025
Cawood CE Primary School
How to find out if a school is closed
Headteachers work hard to keep their schools open wherever possible but if circumstances mean that they have to make a decision to close the school or send children home early, there are various ways of contacting parents.
Local radio stations play an important part in communications between schools and parents. Once headteachers have made the decision to close their school they will inform the local radio station covering the area in which the school is located and ask them to broadcast a message to parents.
Schools will also have local arrangements in place to make sure that parents and carers are informed as soon as possible. If you are unsure of the procedure at your child's school please discuss this with the headteacher.
For further details of school term dates and training days, please view the school terms and holiday dates page.
We have a policy for provision of school transport in severe weather.