Tackling it together – How to cut food waste and buy a garden waste licence

With food shortages being talked about more and more, cost of living rises and an increasing number of people without enough food to eat, it’s so important that we do all we can to make the most of food. With spring just around the corner, we also share the latest news about our garden waste collection services.

Every year, the council promotes Food Waste Action Week (18 to 24 March), which aims to provide people with the tools they need to cut food waste in their homes.

The North Yorkshire Rotters will once again be touring the county spreading the message and are offering their top tips in line with this year’s theme, Choose What You'll Use.

The Rotters at a Market Stall

Volunteer coordinator Jeff Coates said: “The theme is all about highlighting the benefits of buying loose fruit and vegetables. This is because you can choose the items that are perfect for you – whether that be size, quantity, colour or shape.

“When buying in bulk, items such as potatoes, carrots and apples are among the top 15 wasted food types in the UK.

“As food prices remain high, there’s huge public concern about climate change. Therefore, tackling food waste at home is one way we can all make a difference and save money.

“Our roadshows are all about raising people’s awareness of the huge impact household food waste has on climate change.”

The Rotters are holding a number of roadshows across the county, and the schedule will be released on our social media closer to the time.

See more information about Food Waste Action Week.

Earlier this month, the council launched its Let’s Talk Food survey, asking residents about their experiences of accessing healthy food and food waste.

Take part in the online survey or you can pick up a paper copy from your local library or leisure centre. You can also request a survey by calling 0300 131 2 131 - when prompted please say ‘Let’s Talk’. The survey closes on April 1.

Garden waste

Spring marks the start of North Yorkshire’s garden waste collection service, which has been standardised to ensure everyone receives the same service regardless of where they live in the county.

A licence for the 2024 season costs £46.50, covering a one 240-litre wheelie bin to be emptied fortnightly from March to early December. Depending on where they live, some residents may have an equivalent number of compostable liners or sacks/bags.

When residents buy a licence, they will receive a licence pack within 14 days and collections will start once the licence is displayed on their bin.

Make a payment and see more information about the garden waste service.

For customers whose previous licence covered collections in March 2024 the cost this year will be reduced.

We also have an offer for a low-cost compost bin.