North Yorkshire County Council Members' allowances and expenses 2021-22

County Councillor Basic allowance £ Special responsibility allowance £ Travel and subsistence expenses £
Arnold, VM 10,143 7,903 0
Arthur, KV 10,143 1,357 0
Atkinson, ME 10,143 3,155 536
Backhouse, GA 10,143 0 0
Bain-Mackay, DN 10,143 725 259
Baker, RA 10,143 0 0
Barrett, PM 10,143 0 41
Bastiman, DJ 10,143 15,669 1,027
Blades, DM 10,143 0 0
Broadbank, PA 10,143 0 0
Broadbent, E 10,143 0 266
Burr, LM 10,143 0 0
Chambers, MG 10,143 2,612 0
Chance, DA 10,143 15,669 210
Clark, J 10,143 983 338
Colling, ME 10,143 1,741 0
Cooper, ER 10,143 0 0
Dadd, GW 9,221 15,830 331
Dickinson, CA 10,143 7,203 42
Duckett, SA 10,143 0 0
Duncan, KC 10,143 0 0
Ennis, JR 10,143 10,446 77
Goode, DR 9,635 0 0
Goodrick, CG 10,143 2,612 0
Grant, H 10,143 3,482 13
Griffiths, B 10,143 1,741 0
Harrison, M 10,143 15,669 138
Hartley-Metcal, Z 10,143 0 0
Haslam, SP 10,143 0 0
Heseltine, RG 10,143 0 115
Hobson, MJ 10,143 0 0
Hugill, JD 10,143 0 33
Ireton, DL 10,143 871 0
Jeffels, DC 10,143 0 293
Jefferson, J 10,143 5,223 0
Jenkinson, AM 10,143 0 0
Jordan, MT 10,143 0 93
Lee, A 10,143 15,669 0
Les, CA 10,143 33,079 2,403
Lumley, S 10,143 5,223 190
Lunn, CJ 10,143 3,482 69
Mackenzie, D 10,143 15,669 381
Mann, JEF 10,143 2,612 0
Martin, SA 10,143 9,791 114
Mccartney, JB 10,143 534 91
Moorhouse, H 10,143 0 0
Mulligan, PT 10,143 15,669 228
Musgrave, RFT 10,143 1,262 74
Paraskos, AJ 10,143 2,912 335
Parsons, S 10,143 5,223 0
Patmore, C 10,143 1,741 0
Peacock, Y 10,143 0 0
Pearson, CF 10,143 0 98
Pearson, CG 10,143 0 0
Plant, JN 10,143 2,612 193
Quinn, G 10,143 1,741 41
Randerson, AJ 10,143 0 65
Sanderson, JE 10,143 15,669 133
Scott, MR 9,161 0 0
Sedgwick, K 10,143 5,223 63
Solloway, AB 10,143 0 0
Sowray, PG 10,143 6,094 72
Staveley, DM 9,161 0 49
Swiers, HG 10,143 0 95
Swiers, RF 10,143 0 0
Thompson, AA 10,143 2,612 0
Trotter, CW 10,143 0 0
Walsh, CM 10,143 0 0
Weighell, JK 10,143 5,223 0
White, GB 10,143 15,669 0
Wilkinson, AS 10,143 1,741 55
Windass, JR 10,143 0 85
Grand total 726,902 282,341 8,646

Allowances paid to members of the Council’s independent panels and independent positions on committees

County councillors Members of Independent Remuneration Panel Amount Paid £
Thompson, JA Chair of Independent Remuneration Panel 770
Green, S Member of Independent Remuneration Panel 590
Trotter, JK Member of Independent Remuneration Panel 590


County councillors Independent members of the Standards Committee Amount Paid £
Gilberson, H Independent Person for Standards 871
Holroyd, L Independent Person for Standards 871


County councillors Members of Police and Crime Panel Amount Paid £
Les, CA Chair of the Police and Crime Panel 8,705
Aspden, KRJ Vice Chair of the Police and Crime Panel 3,482
Wilkinson, P Vice Chair of the Police and Crime Panel 3,482
Mason, A Community member of the Police and Crime Panel (stood down mid-year) 271
Singh Sidhu, S Community member of the Police and Crime Panel 937
Stott, P Community member of the Police and Crime Panel 937
Godderidge, M Community member of the Police and Crime Panel (appointed to the vacancy left when A Mason stood down) 711

Where the Basic Allowance paid is not £10,143, this is because: 1) of a councillor not accepting previous increases in the Basic Allowance (Councillors Dadd and Goode) or 2) a councillor being elected at a by-election (Councillors Scott and Staveley).

This summary covers all payments actually made during 2021 to 2022. As such, it may include claims in relation to mileage and costs incurred in 2020 to 2021 but not paid until 2021 to 2022, and exclude claims in respect of 2021 to 2022 not paid until 2022 to 2023.

A full description of the Members’ Allowances Scheme can be found in the County Council Constitution starting at page 378, here - Decision Making at the Council | North Yorkshire County Council

The report of the Independent Remuneration Panel, proposing changes to the allowances paid for the year 2021/22, which went to the meeting of the County Council on 17 February 2021 is available here - Agenda for County Council on Wednesday 17 February 2021 at 10.30am | North Yorkshire County Council

If you wish to access a more detailed breakdown of the allowances, then please contact the council’s Democratic Services –