Starting secondary school

Apply for your child to transfer from primary school to secondary school.

Key dates

3 March 2025

3 March 2025 is National Offer Day. If you applied online, you can log in to our admissions portal to see your offered school place. You will also get an email during office hours telling you about your offered place. If you made a paper application, you should get a letter telling you about your offered school place. Unfortunately, we cannot provide school offer information over the phone.

 View instructions on accessing the offer through the online portal here (pdf / 389 KB).

17 March 2025 onwards

From 17 March 2025 onwards, we will consider any late applications or requests for changes to applications that we have not already processed.

31 March 2025

If you want to appeal for a secondary school place, you need to submit your appeal by 31 March 2025.

April to June 2025

Main secondary school admission appeals will be heard from 30 April to 18 June 2025.

31 December 2025

 All the waiting lists we hold will end on 31 December 2025.

Information for parents

It is your responsibility to read all the information on our school admissions pages before you apply for your child's school place.

We have lots of guidance to help you make your school application. See our guidance on: 

We provide free school transport to the nearest school to your home if it is over the required walking distance. 

Find your nearest school

Apply online

You can:

  • create an account if you do not have one
  • make a new application
  • continue with an application you have saved
  • view your submitted application
  • view which school your child has been offered

Apply online or log in to your account

It is recommended that you keep the acknowledgement email you will receive once  you have submitted your application as proof that you have applied for a school place.

Types of school and secondary school admission arrangements

Craven: admissions information for secondary schools

This table includes information about the admission arrangements for secondary schools in Craven.

School name School type Admissions information
Ermysted's Grammar School - boys only Voluntary aided selective school Read the admissions policy on the Ermysted's Grammar School website
Settle College Local authority maintained school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements
Skipton Girls' High School Academy trust selective school Read the admissions policy on the Skipton Girls' High School website
South Craven School Academy trust Read the admissions arrangements on the South Craven School website
The Skipton Academy Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Skipton Academy website
Upper Wharfedale School Local authority maintained school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements
The Holy Family Catholic School, Keighley Bradford local authority school - voluntary academy Read the admissions information on the Holy Family Catholic School website

Harrogate: admissions information for secondary schools

Secondary schools in the town of Harrogate

The Harrogate area is divided into Harrogate town zone and and Harrogate rural zone. The catchment area is served by three secondary schools:

  • Harrogate High School
  • Harrogate Grammar School
  • Rossett School

Where there are more applications than places available, places will be allocated according to the school's own admission arrangements and their priority groups.

For the priority groups that include Harrogate rural and Harrogate town zones, the places that are left after applications from higher priority groups have been accounted for will be allocated on the following basis:

  • 21% of places being available to children living in the Harrogate rural zone
  • 79% of places being available to children living in the Harrogate town zone

Unallocated places in either of the zones will be assigned to the other zone before giving priority to children outside the Harrogate zones.

Full information is available in the schools' admissions policies.

School name School type Admissions information
Harrogate Grammar School Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Harrogate Grammar School website
Harrogate High School Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Harrogate High School website
Rossett School Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Rossett School website
St Aidan's CE High School Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the St Aidan's CE High School website
St John Fisher Catholic High School Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the St John Fisher Catholic High School website

Boroughbridge, Knaresborough, Pateley Bridge and Ripon: admissions information for secondary schools

This table includes information about the admission arrangements for secondary schools in Boroughbridge, Knaresborough, Pateley Bridge and Ripon

School name School type Admissions information
Boroughbridge High School Local authority maintained school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements
King James's School, Knaresborough Local authority maintained school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements
Nidderdale High School, Pateley Bridge Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Nidderdale High School website
Outwood Academy Ripon Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Outwood Academy Ripon website
Ripon Grammar School Local authority maintained school - selective school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements

Northallerton area: admissions information for secondary schools

This table includes information about the admission arrangements for secondary schools in the Northallerton area.

School name School type Admissions information
Bedale High School Local authority maintained school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements
Northallerton School and Sixth Form College Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Northallerton School and Sixth Form College website
Outwood Academy Easingwold Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Outwood Academy Easingwold website
Richmond School and Sixth Form College Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Richmond School and Sixth Form College website
Risedale Local authority maintained school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements
St Francis Xavier School Voluntary academy Read the admissions policy on the St Francis Xavier School website
Stokesley School and Sixth Form College Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Stokesley School and Sixth Form College website
The Wensleydale School and Sixth Form Local authority maintained school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements
Thirsk School and Sixth Form Local authority maintained school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements

Scarborough and Ryedale area: admissions information for secondary schools

This table includes information about the admission arrangements for secondary schools in the Scarborough and Ryedale area. 

School name School type Admissions information
Filey School Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Filey School website
George Pindar School, Eastfield, Scarborough Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the George Pindar School website
Graham School, Scarborough Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Graham School website
Lady Lumley's School, Pickering Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Lady Lumley's School website
Malton School Local authority maintained school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements
Norton College Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Norton College website
Ryedale School, Nawton Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Ryedale School website
Scalby School, Scarborough Academy trust Read the admissions policy on the Scalby School website
St Augustine's VC Secondary Academy Voluntary Catholic academy Read the admissions policy on the St Augustine's VC Secondary Academy website
Whitby School Local authority maintained school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements
Huntington School City of York local authority maintained school Find out about school admissions on the City of York Council website

Scarborough University Technical College

Scarborough University Technical College is a government funded school specialising in advanced engineering, design and control. The college is supported by the University of Hull in partnership with a range of employers.

The age range for the college is young people aged 14 to 19 years. The college is accessible to students living in:

  • the Borough of Scarborough, Whitby, Ryedale - including Malton and Pickering
  • East Riding - including Bridlington and Driffield

The college acts as its own admissions authority.

Find out more on the Scarborough University Technical College website.

Selby area: admissions information for secondary schools

Brayton Academy and Selby High School

For school admissions, we distinguish between people who live in the Selby rural area and people who live in the Selby town area. 

Brayton Academy and Selby High School are jointly the normal schools for the Selby town area. Both schools also have their own designated rural areas. Places at each of these schools will be offered to children in the rural area associated with the school before children living in the town area. If there is a tie for places, the tie-break sections of the admissions policy for community and voluntary controlled schools for the academic year will be used.

This table includes information about the admission arrangements for secondary schools in the Selby area.

School name School type Admissions information
Barlby High School Academy trust Read the admission policy on the Barlby High School website
Brayton Academy Academy trust Read the admission policy on the Brayton Academy website
Holy Family Catholic School, Carlton Voluntary aided academy trust Read the admission policy on the Holy Family Catholic School website
Selby High School Local authority maintained school See the North Yorkshire Council determined admission arrangements
Sherburn High School Academy trust Read the admission policy on the Sherburn High School website
Tadcaster Grammar School Academy trust Read the admission policy on the Tadcaster Grammar School website
Fulford School City of York local authority academy trust Read the admission policy on the Fulford School website
The Snaith School East Riding of Yorkshire local authority academy trust Read the admission policy on the The Snaith School website

Admission to sixth forms - post 16 education

We do not process applications for sixth forms or colleges. Please apply directly to the school or college you are interested in for post 16 education.

Sixth form in the Craven area 

The schools that currently have a sixth form in the Craven area are: 

  • Ermysted's Grammar School
  • Settle College
  • Skipton Girls' High School
  • South Craven School

Sixth form in the Harrogate area

The schools that currently have a sixth form in the Harrogate area are:

  • Harrogate Grammar School
  • Rossett School
  • St Aidan's and St John Fisher Associated Sixth Form

Sixth form in Boroughbridge, Knaresborough, Pateley Bridge and Ripon

The schools that currently have a sixth form in Boroughbridge, Knaresborough, Pateley Bridge and Ripon are:

  • Boroughbridge High School
  • King James's School
  • Outwood Academy Ripon
  • Ripon Grammar School

Sixth form in the Northallerton area

The schools that currently have a sixth form in the Northallerton area are:

  • Northallerton School and Sixth Form College
  • Richmond School and Sixth Form College
  • Stokesley School and Sixth Form College
  • Thirsk School 

Sixth form in the Scarborough area

The schools that currently have a sixth form in the Scarborough area are:

  • Lady Lumley's School
  • Malton School
  • Norton College

Sixth form in the Selby area

The schools that currently have a sixth form in the Selby area are:

  • Sherburn High School
  • Tadcaster Grammar School

Late applications and changes

You can still apply or make changes to your application if you missed the closing date. Read our making changes and late applications page for details. 

What happens after the offer of a school place?

If you want to accept the place

If you want to accept a place offered at a Community or Voluntary Controlled school within North Yorkshire, you do not have to do anything. The headteacher of the school will be told about the allocation and will make any further arrangements about the admission. 

If you want to accept a place at a school in another local authority or a school that is their own admission authority, for example, a voluntary aided school or an academy, please contact the school directly. 

If you do not want to accept the place

The school place that has been allocated on National Offer Day is in line with the North Yorkshire coordinated admission scheme. If you do not want to accept the place, please contact us in writing at letting us know what your alternative arrangements are. For example, elective home education or independent schooling. 

If you do not want to accept a place you have been offered at a Voluntary Aided school or Academy, you will also need to contact the school directly. 

If you want to change your application to include additional school preferences, please visit our changing schools page to complete a changes form.

Please note: we will not remove a school place offer until alternative arrangements have been confirmed.

Appeal for a school place

If you have applied to a school and been refused admission, you have the right to appeal against that decision to an independent panel.

Please read our advice about appeals carefully before submitting an appeal.

You can only appeal against being refused a school place if that school is currently one of your live preferences. 

School waiting lists

Community and voluntary controlled schools

The local authority will automatically maintain a waiting list for all over-subscribed community and voluntary controlled schools. The waiting list will use the authority's oversubscription criteria and be maintained between National Offer Day and 31 December that calendar year. After 31 December, the waiting lists will stop. 

Academies, voluntary aided, foundation and trust schools

Schools that are their own admission authority, for example voluntary aided, foundation, trust schools and academies, create their own waiting lists in accordance with their published oversubscription criteria. They can choose to maintain their waiting lists themselves, or to have the local authority maintain a waiting list on their behalf. 

North Yorkshire schools

If you do not get an offer for a place at your higher preference North Yorkshire schools, your child will automatically go on the waiting list for those schools. 

Your child will not be placed on a waiting list for any school that is a lower preference than the school offered.

Schools outside North Yorkshire

For schools outside North Yorkshire, you should check the relevant local authority website for information about school waiting lists.

If we can offer a place to a non-North Yorkshire child from a waiting list, we will work with their home authority.

What happens when your child is on the waiting list

Having a place on the waiting list does not guarantee that a school place will become available.

Whenever there is a change, the waiting list is re-ranked in line with the published oversubscription criteria for the school. Changes can happen if:

  • a place that was offered is turned down
  • a late application or change is received

Your child will move up or down on the list according to the re-ranking in line with oversubscription criteria. Children will not be given priority based on: 

  • the date their application was received
  • the date they were added to the waiting list

If your child is at the top of the list

If your child is at the top of the waiting list, and a school place becomes available, the admissions team will contact you. You will have five working days to accept or turn down the place you are offered. 

If we cannot contact you

If we cannot contact you using all the advised contact details we have, or we do not get a response from you, your child will be removed from the waiting list and the available place will be offered to the next child who qualifies for that place. 

If you want your child to be put back on the waiting list, you must notify us in writing. 

It is your responsibility to make sure the school admissions team knows your contact details and to let them know about any changes to your contact details.

Change of address

If you change address while your child is on a waiting list, please read our making changes and late applications page for information about what you need to do.

If the change of address affects your child's position on any waiting lists, their position will change accordingly.

Removing your child from a waiting list

If you want to remove your child from a waiting list, please contact us in writing at

Contact us for more information

From National Offer Day onwards, you can contact us to find out who maintains the waiting lists for your preferred schools. This will be either our school admissions team or the school itself. If we maintain the waiting list, we can give you advice about your child's waiting list positions.

Frequently asked questions

What is my catchment school?

You can find our catchment area maps and details about catchment areas on our finding a school page.

You can also contact us for more details about catchment schools.

My child is educated at home. Do I need to apply for a secondary school?

If you want your child to go to a secondary school, you need to make an application by 31 October.

If you want your child to keep being educated at home, you do not need to make an application. 

My child has an Education Health and Care Plan. How do I apply for secondary school?

My child is currently studying outside of their normal year group. When should I apply for secondary school?

Please contact us for more information as you will not be able to apply online.