Stronger communities programme

The stronger communities programme supports communities to play a greater role in the delivery of services in the county.

The stronger communities programme supports communities to help themselves and create local solutions for service provision at a time of significant financial challenge for the authority. Our aim is to encourage communities to work with us, identifying local solutions and actions in order for all communities in North Yorkshire to have greater collective control of their own wellbeing.

Working with local residents, community groups and other partners from the public and private sectors across North Yorkshire, the communities team will identify opportunities to co-produce a range of local support and services aimed at reducing inequalities, and improving the wellbeing and social connectedness of people of all ages.

Priorities for the programme include:

  • prevention and reducing health inequalities
  • community resilience
  • social regeneration

Further information

Community activities and additional support options toolkit – based on the Rockwood frailty scale

This resource aims to assist practitioners in a range of settings, including primary and secondary health care, social care, and the community and voluntary sector, to provide information about relevant community resources to individuals living with frailty and their families and carers.

Find out more on our community activities and additional support toolkit based on the Rockwood frailty scale page.

Inspire and Achieve Together

Inspire Fund

Resident groups or community organisations can apply for grants of up to £1,000 to help fund local projects and events. Find out how to apply for the Inspire Fund grant here.

Achieve together programme

In addition to the Inspire Fund, the communities team also work with communities on a smaller number of targeted and longer term projects to achieve one or more key community outcomes. These projects must be evidence-based, clearly identifying needs and focused on longer-term sustainability and impact at scale.

This is not an open grants scheme as we are looking to form strategic partnerships with organisations working together to achieve shared ambitions. If you wish to discuss a project you think would be suitable for the achieve programme, please contact your local communities locality lead.

The programme can offer different levels of support and expert advice appropriate to the needs of community organisations and the project proposed.

Contact the communities team

Please contact us if you would like further information about the stronger communities programme.