Introduction on high hedges

We have powers to deal with complaints about high hedges under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003.

A high hedge is defined as a line of two or more evergreen or semi-evergreen trees or shrubs that are over two metres in height.

Individual trees or shrubs, groups of trees or woodlands do not come within the scope of this law.

Quick guide

  • the legislation does not require all hedges to be cut down to a height of two metres
  • you do not need to have permission to grow a hedge above two metres in height
  • when a hedge grows over two metres in height we do not automatically take action, unless a justifiable complaint is made
  • if you complain to us, it does not follow automatically that we will order your neighbour to reduce the hedge height. We have to weigh up all the issues and consider each case on its merits
  • the legislation does not cover single or deciduous trees
  • we can not require a hedge to be removed
  • the legislation does not guarantee access to uninterrupted light
  • there is no provision to serve an anti-social behaviour order over high hedge complaints
  • damage caused by roots is a civil matter which is not covered by the act and can not be dealt with by us
  • the legislation applies whether the hedge is owned by an individual or a company
  • mediation should be explored before a complaint is made. This can help resolve any high hedge or tree dispute whether covered by the legislation or not

The following links can provide more information:

High hedges - the complaint process

High hedges - making a complaint

High hedges - guidance from the Department for Communities and Local Government