Making a complaint about high hedges

Before making a complaint, you must have tried and exhausted all other ways of resolving the hedge dispute.

You will need to record verbal or written requests made to the hedge owner, together with their responses.

Make a complaint

  • if you are satisfied that your complaint meets the criteria, you can submit a complaint using the form below
  • a fee of £629.60 is payable with the complaint
  • to encourage complainants and hedge owners to settle early, we offer a scheme of refunds, detailed on the form
  • those receiving one or more means-tested benefits do not have to pay the application fee

 High hedges complaint form (pdf / 432 KB)

Rejection of a complaint

We can:

  • reject your complaint if we consider you have not done everything you reasonably could to settle the matter yourself
  • decline to accept any complaint we consider frivolous or vexatious, which generally means the complaint has not been made in good faith

Please visit the government's website for further information on high hedges.