Site allocations development plan document

In 2012 we halted work on the site allocations development plan document as we focused resources on the adoption of the core strategy.

Whilst the site allocations development plan document was halted there was the introduction of the new planning system including the NPPF, the revocation of the Regional Strategy, and a number of changes to the core strategy itself. The site allocations development plan document was to be prepared as part of our local development framework that was to replace the 2005 local plan.

Site allocations development plan document - preferred options consultation - archived

The preferred options addressed the responses received to the issues and options consultation that took place earlier in 2011 and set out the results in the form of identifying the preferred development sites.

Consultation began on 22 September 2011 and ended at 5pm on Friday 2 December 2011. This consultation period was for fine-tuning, so comments were invited once again.

Site allocations development plan document preferred options - documents

Alongside the preferred options paper itself is a range of supporting documents including a sustainability appraisal, strategic environmental assessment, and assessment under the habitats regulations (SA/SEA/HRA). These documents form part of the overall site allocations development plan document package and should be considered alongside the preferred options.

You may also like to read the  frequently asked questions (pdf / 82 KB).

Site allocations development plan document issues and options consultation - archived

The document set out the issues and offered a range of options for solving the issues.

Consultation for the issues and options consultation ran from Monday 10 January to Monday 21 March 2011 and was then extended to 18 April (14 weeks).

Site allocations development plan document issues and options - documents

The site allocations development plan document issues and options report was split into three main parts:

  • district-wide issues
  • settlement-specific issues
  • other potential sites in the rural areas

 Issues and options full document (pdf / 26 MB)

Alongside the issues and options paper itself is a range of supporting documents including a sustainability appraisal, strategic environmental assessment, and assessment under the habitats regulations (SA/SEA/HRA). These documents form part of the overall site allocations development plan document package and should be considered alongside the issues and options.