Previously the planning section adopted a number of supplementary planning guidance notes that related to policy in the Scarborough borough local plan (1999).
The supplementary planning guidance on student accommodation provides guidance to developers intending to create student accommodation in relation to location, standards of accommodation, management of premises and provision of open space.
In addition to formal supplementary planning guidance notes, we also adopted guidance notes on flat conversions and shop fronts. The guidance on flat conversions clarifies what we will expect in terms of internal and external improvements as part of the conversion process. The shop front policy and design guidance booklet describe the policies and guidelines of the council for new shop fronts and alterations to existing shop fronts. It is intended to give a practical outline of the principles of the good shop front and advertisement design.
Student accommodation (pdf / 148 KB)
Flat conversions (pdf / 2 MB)
Shop front policy and design guidance (pdf / 6 MB)